Know Everything About People Who Belongs To Soul Urge Number 8 & 9

The Soul urge Number 8

Eight – the Soul urge number of people who are born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of any month. This is the Soul number of confidence and certainty, it is also a number of puzzles. His owners mostly misunderstood, even close friends and relatives. “Eight” – hard-working employees, who take everything easy on themselves, in their hands the impossible becomes possible. It introverts, they secretive, patient, deep, serious, melancholy, reflective, having inner peace and balance. The main vibration of Soul urge number 8: satisfaction, achievement, striving for success, power, and recognition.

In public organizations, groups, societies with which they are associated, and who devote their whole life, “eight” very sincere. They do not take much help from others, because basically they like to do everything yourself and do not like to go for help. In “eights” strong drive, which can sometimes be impenetrable, but developed the ability to discern. Their willpower and give them a serious force to cope successfully with any projects. Although the “eight” all the time on the way and met many obstacles, delays, failures, and their strong personality, perseverance, and patience will lead to the fulfillment of the goal, and so they leave their mark on history.

People with Soul urge Number 8 believe in life. And usually they are born to devote themselves to selfless service to humanity. Their life is full of struggle, they do not depart until they reach the desired goal, so the “Eight” – the good soldiers, politicians and scientists. This is revolutionary in nature, which may be associated with dramatic changes in society caused by sometimes devastating effects. Meanwhile, the “eight” are trying to humbly dedicate his life to sacrifice for the sake of the poor and oppressed. Their lives are unpredictable. Unexpected changes and constantly “eights” in tension and force to adapt to new circumstances. This prevents an understanding of their relatives and friends. That is why they often perceived wrong.

Because of their natural inclination to solitude, darkness, lack of humor, an inability to appreciate the joke, the indifference to it, they feel very lonely. Their lifestyle makes them antisocial. People with Soul urge Number 8 have very few real friends who are able to recognize the delicate and vulnerable nature, deeply hidden in their personality. Externally, they are tough, but internally very gentle, polite, boldly look to the face any difficulties arise, and to protect the interests of his friends, save them under any circumstances, but, however, so they can amass a worst enemy. When the “eight” are angry, you irritate others and may ruffle even the most patient. They did not calm down until until smash their enemies in pieces; they harbors malice in my heart forever, patiently waiting for the right moment to attack enemies. They met defeat with a smile and change your strategy, but not calm down until then, until revenge.

It is the extremists who go to extremes, and in friendship and in hatred. People with Soul urge Number 8 are not satisfied with modest success, and strive to the highest honors. They consider their work and strive to fulfill the ministry, what would not engage, just tremendous things. They hate the hypocrisy, deceit, and ourselves are very honest, practical and smart. They are wise at an early age and gain the ability to judge other people. They feel their difference from other people and make things that are prohibited by law and society. “Eight” is not subject to existing regulations and come into conflict with the social and moral attitudes. “Eight” – the materialists who care primarily about financial security, even though they do not chase the money. They love their own ideology, and can for the money to do any work. But after they could spend it all on the other, it is not as prone to selfish motives, expecting nothing in return. They can not spend money on themselves or their family members.

Up to 35 years, People with Soul urge Number 8 generally can not save money for their lives and meet with several financial crises. But after 35 years, “eight” are able to open a bank account. They begin to like to watch for an increase in their bills, and they are no longer easy to spend money. After earning enough money, they are trying to develop their mental qualities – to understand the occult, religion, philosophy and meditation. Although they do not have a deep and genuine interest in religion, they again fall into extremes, and if they are lucky to find a good guide, you can fall into a state of deep meditation.

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A caution to people with Soul urge Number 8:

  • They should strive to take over;
  • They need to trust your friends and subordinates;
  • They should not undertake work that exceeds their ability – is it just for the sake of saving or making money;
  • They should not get involved in disputes, and they must learn to articulate their own ideas and be able, when necessary, to keep silent;
  • They need to expand the circle of friends and acquaintances;
  • They do not have to depend on someone else’s care, because of their friends, relatives and other people they help, they may get very little;
  • They should reject vindictiveness;
  • They should throw off the mask of moroseness, seriousness, sobriety, and learn to smile and try to be happy;
  • They must be active, to avoid mental lethargy, passivity and isolation;
  • They must cultivate tolerance, to be more friendly, reasonable and not so easily irritated;
  • They should avoid drugs and other toxic chemicals;
  • People with Soul urge Number 8 should avoid canned, old food and fast food, they should have more coarse grains, drink more fresh juices – to avoid constipation and other problems caused by incorrect behavior of the wind, such as rheumatism, arthritis, and skin irritation;
  • They should follow the advice of seasoned people who know more than they are;
  • They must avoid the habit of thinking about the past and try to cope with imaginary fears;
  • They must respect their life and business partners;
  • They should try not to get involved in love affairs;
  • They have to travel more often;
  • They should not spread rumors;
  • People with Soul urge Number 8 should seek good friends and devote more energy own spiritual growth.

The Soul urge Number 9

Nine – a Soul urge number of people who was born on 9, 18 or 27th of any month. All the qualities of Mars, as described above, most clearly seen in those who were born the 9th. The planet of fire and heat. Mars, creating a strong flow of energy, which is not easy to handle. It makes people, with the number nine restless souls, and they are constantly doing something.

People with Soul urge number 9 can not begin to relax until they succeed in achieving the desired goals. It fighters, and they are going to fight to the top of any of their chosen road. The main vibration of the Soul urge number 9: selflessness, compassion.

“Nine” have the spirit of athletes, they tend to the spirit of competition. They are very brave and adventurous. They are ambitious and thanks to his strong will and determination quickly made progress on the selected path. People with Soul urge number 9 respond quickly to any situation and go into a state of readiness by the first signal, they have strong internal defense mechanisms, and they are always ready to repel an attack. In this way they often create enemies.

Surrounding all love, “nine” is eager to devote their energies to the service of the universe. She gives an impersonal, but just look at life, generous, friendly and patient. This is an artist and thinker who has developed his skills during previous incarnations and is now ready to share their knowledge with the world. The law does not allow for cyclic delay and requires an investment for the speedy return. When this is done voluntarily, the experience gained by the “nine”, brings joy to life and freedom. Key words: compassion, patience, flexibility, self-sacrifice.

“Nine” like finish up the dispute and not particularly burdened with their own problems and not wasted energy. People with Soul urge number 9 love to talk. The influence of Mars gives a “nine” non-permanent nature, these people are simply “to have”, and their explosion will be stronger than the bomb. They do not believe in what you need to wait for the right moment to attack: the optimists, they are independent, they have an inexhaustible source of energy. They do not like to live on donations or be obligated to someone, they are free, honest, fearless, impulsive. It’s tyrants, the extremists are constantly amaze the world with his antics, which sometimes leads them to a sad end. But even this end they will be met safely and not be frightened of death and destruction.

People with Soul urge number 9 – it’s workers, who love challenges and they are full of enthusiasm, inspiration, and always in a hurry to reach the goal, they do not tolerate interference in their work and hate criticism. They have a great sense of responsibility. Whatever they do, they are led by their own sincerity and true understanding of what makes them act always in their own way. They are very good about itself think and believe that everyone should think as well. Their imperious character helps tying in discussion and debate with people who criticize their every move. In his youth, they have to have a lot of difficulties in communicating with others and find it very difficult to get a decent place in society, at home, at work. But thanks to a strong will and clear vision of goals, after 40 years they are successful.

“Nine” like coconut – hard on the outside and filled with sweet pulp inside. Externally, they are hard, disciplined, steadfast, internally as gentle and compassionate. They take good care of their subordinates.

People with Soul urge number 9 – good organizers and administrators can. If they have full power and control, the organizations in which they operate will benefit from their ability to work hard, optimistic, practical knowledge. If the full power and control they are not provided, then such people are losing interest. They love to worship and may make any physical, mental or financial loss for the sake of prestige. They spend a lot of energy to achieve recognition and sympathy. Although they are particularly committed to their own families and are well taken care of their parents, sometimes they are unfortunate in his family life and often quarrel with their life partners.

People with Soul urge number 9 more likely to say “no” than “yes.” They spend a lot of time and energy to maintain their homes and jobs in an unprecedented clean and tidy, but they are not able to establish order and peace in their family lives. They should be afraid of fires, bomb attacks and an electric current. Many of them have in their lives undergo surgical intervention and prosecution. “Nine” are born with leadership qualities and can be easily controlled stubborn people with his compassion and human qualities. But if they are not in the spirit, they become vindictive, aggressive and violent.

When Destiny Number and Name are in harmony, then the Soul urge number 9 helps to ensure that its owner was at the head of a large organization. The man with the Soul number 9 strong domineering character, high ideals, it is not restricted and creators. Marry a person with the Soul urge number 9 and soul with the one whose number is in harmony with the Soul number 9, is happy – their family is open and willing to help, and her notice. The man with the Soul urge number 9, born in a family in which the number of his parents, brothers and sisters, are in harmony, enjoying life, gradually occupies a high position, it becomes known.

People with Soul urge number 9 are born to succeed. And they have to do all the necessary qualities. They scare people, performing in early middle age reckless behavior. Those who have no friends or life partners, consider them very lucky.

The man with the Soul number 9 pushed sexual impulse. But due to the fact that it suppresses his partner, he is often faced with failure and disappointed. Over time, his behavior in relation to a life partner becomes unstable, insane. And if he finds a suitable partner at an early age, he is a good family life. He wants his wife’s full consent, the deep romantic relationships and physical pleasure. If it receives the necessary attention, it achieves in life progress. While the man with the number of souls 9 does not show much respect and love towards his wife, he is very kind, cheerful and sociable with other women. He loses his mental balance, quarrels and isolated from his wife, suffering from this later. His condemnation of his life partner, friends and relatives – even when his marriage brings financial success and fame. Despite the fact that he loved pomp, he often lives a simple life.

The woman with the Soul number 9 are usually very gentle, hospitable, friendly, though secretive, and very carefully selects his social circle. It may be the perfect housewife, devoted to her husband, full of charisma and charm. But it is much less likely to find a good husband than a man, “nine” wife. She is very strict to her husband and does not forgive the slightest hint of flirtation. Her partner is failing, and she has to spend on him too much power.

A caution to People with Soul urge number 9:

  • They should be afraid of fires, bomb explosions, storms, floods and road accidents;
  • They must be constantly alert – using firearms to avoid hurricanes, storms and floods as well as drive a car with special attention;
  • They need to avoid any provocation, and thoughts of revenge;
  • They need to abandon the false pride, hypocrisy, because these qualities lead to envy and criticism;
  • They need to learn to take an emotional calm and not lose courage;
  • They need to avoid the risk of committing reckless acts of unnecessary whose aim is to show their courage and determination;
  • They should avoid complaints, discussion and gossip about their colleagues and partners;
  • They must love their life partners, to create peace in family life and to remember the axiom: “To err is human, to forgive as God is peculiar”;
  • If possible, they should avoid operations;
  • They do not need to hurry: they must learn to overcome their anxiety;
  • They need to avoid the gloomy kind and learn to maintain your smile;
  • They have to respect their superiors and not to engage with them in unnecessary disputes, because the “nines” easily provoked, and they lose their composure;
  • They need to avoid all unstable situations and try not to be touchy, do not speak loudly or harshly;
  • People with Soul urge number 9 must adhere to the discipline that creates order in their lives;
  • By signing the official papers, they need to be carefully and thoroughly examine them before the act of signing; If necessary, before signing, you can consult a lawyer;
  • Do not be deluded about their own strength, energy, character; It should be avoided by extremists and to pay special influence on his own strength, because they can fall victim to it;
  • They should avoid its three main enemies: anger, arrogance, aggressiveness;
  • They should not isolate; Moreover, they should expand their circle of friends and acquaintances;
  • They do not have to avoid manifestations of humor – he will bring them luck;
  • They should avoid new undertakings, courageous actions during the periods when Mars is not in the best position to forecast the horoscope of birth;
  • People with Soul urge number 9 should avoid drugs, toxic substances, because they have a predisposition to them.
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Hi, I’m Clara Westbrook, the founder and author of I'm an ardent numerologist dedicated to uncovering the profound symbolism and impact of numbers in our daily lives. I'm convinced that numbers can illuminate aspects of our character, fate, abilities, hurdles, and potential paths. Through numerology, I believe we can gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and those around us, and navigate our choices for personal growth and fulfillment. My journey with numerology spans over a decade, during which I've had the privilege to learn from some of the foremost authorities in this discipline. By applying numerology to my personal experiences, I've witnessed its transformative power first hand. My aim with this website is to impart my learnings and observations, assisting you in realizing the profound influence of numbers in your life. Here, you'll encounter articles, manuals, reviews, and resources that will guide you in delving deeper into numerology's intricacies. Additionally, you'll discover practical suggestions on harnessing numerology for the enhancement of various life facets such as relationships, career, health, and finances. Whether you're just dipping your toes into the world of numerology or are well-acquainted with its concepts, this website promises to offer valuable insights. I trust that you'll find my content both engaging and informative. Moreover, I hope numerology sparks your enthusiasm to lead a more enriched life. Should you have queries or comments, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Your thoughts are always appreciated. Thank you for stopping by!

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