How You Define Soul Number And Its Importance In Numerology

How do you define the soul urge number in numerology?

In numerology, the Soul Urge Number, also known as the Heart’s Desire Number, represents the innermost desires, motivations, and yearnings of an individual. It is one of the core numbers in a person’s numerology chart and is derived from the vowels in their full birth name.

To calculate the Soul Urge Number, each vowel in the person’s full name (as it appears on their birth certificate) is assigned a numerical value based on the following chart:

A, E, I, O, U = 1
Y = 7

Once the numerical values are assigned, they are added together and reduced to a single-digit number or one of the master numbers (11, 22, 33). For example, if someone’s full birth name is “John Michael Smith,” the calculation would be as follows:

O + I = 6 + 9 = 15
1 + 5 = 6

In this example, the Soul Urge Number would be 6.

The Soul Urge Number represents the person’s innermost desires, passions, and motivations, providing insights into what truly drives them at a soul level. It can reveal the person’s most profound wishes and what they seek to fulfill in life. This number can help individuals understand their deepest longings, guiding them to align their actions and decisions with their authentic selves.

Knowing the Soul Urge Number can be a valuable tool for self-discovery and personal growth. It can help individuals gain clarity about their true aspirations and make choices that lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. However, it’s important to remember that numerology is a belief system and should be taken as a form of self-reflection or entertainment, rather than a definitive guide for life decisions.

In this and a few other articles, we will discuss different soul urge numbers starting from 1-9 in lets start with number 1.

The Soul urge number 1

Soul urge number 1 – is the number of those who were born 1, 10, 19 or 28th of any month. The main vibration of 1: independence, individuality, achievement, leadership. People with the Soul number 1 controlled by the Sun, which gives them a clarity of purpose and thought.

They tend to become attached to their own ideas, especially when they are convinced that they are on the right track. It is very difficult to get these people to change their behavior, opinion or decision. They also can quickly formulate their thoughts. People with the Soul urge number 1 have a clear understanding of life and their own point of view, which dominates everything they encounter in life. In its manifestations, such people are sober, strong, punctual and clear. They have a strong personality, and they need an abundance of attention and respect. They can take care of others and want everyone to obey them. They are easy to make yourself and your friends could hardly refuse friendship.

People with the Soul urge number 1 have power and are very lucky in getting help from the authorities. Throughout his life he lucky. Such saying, “Lucky.” They love freedom and hate abstinence. They love novelty and try all they do, to use modern methods and technology. They offer well-known ideas of their own – but from a new angle. They are creative and resourceful, and most of the time have a positive and optimistic attitudes. They are more tenacious than others, and able to perform heavy physical work.

With, at most, high spirituality, they have a big heart and they love to work with. They are free from envy, anger and discontent. In their work they are productive, honest and decent, and most of the time perfectly correct, because the right decisions at the right time. These qualities help them rise above the others. People with the Soul urge number 1 reach a high position at work, because I always think about how to climb even higher. To do this a lot and they work hard and busy that most of his time. If they do not succeed, they become sad, pessimistic, become frustrated, irritable, they begin to depression.

Soul number 1 – initiator, fighting alone, expert of experience that will enhance its special individuality. It is in the process of discovering their own abilities. This energy, positive, original and creative, being in a state of perpetual motion. Soul number 1 full of so much creative energy, that it must decide how this energy will be used. It should take the lead, have the courage, I am he of all humanity, the unity of all things, a higher consciousness. Keywords: originality, independence, aggressiveness, personality, creativity, efficiency, activities, leadership, authoritarian. It is he who comes forward.

People with the Soul number 1 have a mind agile, full of new thoughts and ideas. They are easy to start new businesses. They love to live in luxury, royally and spend money on devices, and, basically, are wasteful. They are easy to spend money to buy gifts for others, they are all happy to share with guests and friends. With regard to religion is a big fan. They often think they are born to fulfill a special mission. To do this a lot and they work hard, even if it involves sacrifice or inconvenience. People with the Soul number 1 steadfastly meet ups and downs in his life, without losing courage and without excessive nervousness. They do not like criticism, but love to criticize others. They have good manners and good taste. They do not like clutter, laziness, procrastination, false pride, false promises, doing nothing. They want unlimited freedom. They are clear in all that relates to self-expression and love the quick answers to their questions.

People come in a number of religious and social organizations, but if they do not give it a key position, it is easy to part with them. They can help only if the gain attention to themselves and gain recognition and admiration for their hard work. Basically, they notice and love the opposite sex. They are influential and are putting pressure on their friends and colleagues. Active years of their lives – 35 – 39 years.

People with the Soul number 1 are disciplined, directed forward, practical and serious. They are very good, easy to work with them, and they can control their nerves. They remain steadfast and resolute, even under adverse conditions. They are resistant, but sometimes easily irritable. Like the sun, they are a source of light and joy and are intended to serve all mankind. They love to travel and can adapt to any situation. Love life and can admire the art and beauty.

Soul number 1 are ready to accept the truth and change his mind, because for them, truth is always more important. They collect ideas from everywhere and create your own thinking, not following the traditional views of where they were born. They are always concerned about what kind of impression on others, they are mostly friendly, willing to help and may in a short time to establish contact with new people and inspire them. In their society, they become famous and admired his work, poise, grace and generosity.

A caution to people with a Soul number 1

Those with Soul number 1 should think about their finances more carefully and not waste them on pointless show, the acquisition of expensive gifts, lending money to other people, investment in the business. They should not take risks by participating in financial fraud. They should not take hasty judgments, because it will bring them to fail.

They shall refrain from the following:

  • To be overly ambitious
  • To be too independent
  • To be careless
  • Be too imperious, to suppress other
  • To be too critical
  • To require all the time for attention to himself
  • Show off
  • Excessive sensuality (for men)
  • Fight alone, out of care
  • The reckless extravagance in relation to friends and guests.

The Soul urge Number 2

The Soul urge number 2 has people, born 2, 11, 20, 29th of any month. Among all these people are the most fortunate were born on the 29th of any month.

The Soul urge number 2 is controlled by the Moon, which gives soft, artistic and romantic nature. These people are peaceful and polite. Their imaginative nature makes them creative, but they do not have certainty, and they can not implement their ideas with the same force with which it can people of Soul number 1. They need to carry out their ideas and to determine the confidence of good conductors. The main vibration of Soul number 2: cooperation, closeness, sensitivity, balance and harmony, benevolence. Constant ebb and flow of the moon affect the holders of two souls more than anyone else.

People with Soul urge number 2 – is a pair duet. It is volatile and easily adaptable, but at times hesitant. This is an important representative, mediator, diplomat and peacemaker, because unity can only be achieved by combining the different views and compromise. In general, the soul number 2 represents the feminine principle of receptivity. This is the gestation period, in which all forms. Soul number two collects and assimilates energy. It maintains a balance between opposing forces, and so is loyalty and partnership. It is with eager attention to the children. People with Soul number 2 so subtly aware of the antagonisms that have an innate sense of rhythm and harmony. Maternal characteristics such as patience and sensitivity, soul number 2 lead to the fact that it misses the other forward, in front of him. Unity – its purpose, so she is obedient and responsive to others. Above all, she values harmony and assimilation. It is, rather, a follower than a leader.

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All holders of Soul number 2 love to live alone, and those who are born the 11th, retire to isolate. In the same way as the moon reflects the sun light, the holders of the soul number 2 reflect the influence of their environment. If these people care about politics, they are introducing reforms to change social structures. If this writer, his works, they announce the change, leading to better and more peaceful world. They dedicate their lives to selfless service and helping others. The moon gives them a love of scents and fragrances. These people have sophisticated character with a high aesthetic susceptibility.

The moon is a mother principle – prudence, patience, love and care. People with the Soul number 2 have all these qualities, but patience. They have a good heart, they are gentle, willing to help and true to their duty. They believe the holy friendship and sacrifice everything they have, for the sake of others. Since the moon depends on the sun to give him light, and these people are dependent on other numbers, they become more sociable and easily socialized. Because of their constantly changing nature they think very quickly and make decisions quickly. People with Soul number 2 are emotionally connected with others and look boldly in the face of difficulties. Being well-wishers in relation to all mankind, they adhere to the philosophy of peaceful co-existence: live and let live.

Due to the fact that Soul number 2 do not like to quarrel, they make good peacekeepers. They make judgments in disputes such an elegant way that both parties feel satisfied. They are good diplomats and as diplomats use their instinctive and intuitive ability to improve the conditions of groups represent. People of Soul number 2 love to travel and visit foreign countries gives them a cosmopolitan perspective on many things. They do not like plans or preparations made for them by other people, they tend to be large. They are less daring and less ambitious than other numbers. Soul number 2 are by nature secretive, sometimes shy and never lie. Although they do not recognize their own mistakes delay, people use their weakness and exploit or denigrate them. Because of his constant anxiety, which is supported prone to fantasy nature, they sometimes have to hear harsh words from friends and relatives. They hate people who give false promises.

Although the Soul number 2 easily recognize their mistakes and feel regret, they never change their behavior and even improve it. They repeat the same mistakes over and over suffering from it are not particularly fond of logic and criticism. If the Moon is not well located in the birth chart of such people, they become victims of their own confusion and indecision. They become distrustful, anxious and confused in their own internal dialogues. They are also prey to people who flatter them. People with Soul number 2 are intuitive. If the Moon has a good location in their chart, they are aware of the intentions of those who flatter them. But keep quiet and allow yourself to cheat, because polite and love flattery. They are skilled craftsmen in terms of love and beauty is among people with harmonious vibrations, they are confident and insist on his thoughts with extreme hardness. Due to the fact that they are hard at work, they succeed in spite of his weak body.

If the number of people of Destiny is in harmony with the number of souls, they become hard and arrogant. If still further, the moon is well located in their birth chart, they make good companions and outstanding speakers. Their minds will be clear and understood, and reason and intuition work together. If, however, between the number of souls and the souls of the number of disharmony, or, if Moon is weak or is associated with an unfavorable planet people of Soul number 2 become assailed by doubts nervous debaters.

People with Soul number 2 usually have the ability to take the views or suggestions of others and can not say no to people who create problems for them. They are attractive, versed in the art and know how to turn the head of another. They are easy to satisfy, and this forces them to work less, giving more time to stay in fictional worlds, which makes them less practical. People with the soul number or the Destiny number 2 must do everything at least twice. It rarely happens that they achieved something the first time. They tend to waste money and energy with low efficiency.

Women in this group experienced more ups and downs emotionally than men. Sometimes they are filled with hope, sometimes depressed, they have increased sensitivity, a tendency to melancholy and sentimentality. If the Moon in the horoscope of birth occupies a good position, they use its energy in a positive and creative ways. Otherwise, a fast-paced emotional nature throws them into the mental agony. Born the 20th of any month going through this mental agony is particularly painful. If it is not the location of the Moon in the natal chart such people have in life very difficult. If they were born on the 29th of any month, they can easily find help from other people and are relatively easy life.

Women with a number of two souls like perfumes and prepare sweet dishes, cakes and confectionery, seasoning their special aromatic spices. They also use the incense water for ablutions. Although women with a Soul number 2 family – oriented and honest with their husbands, they are very romantic and prone to rapid changes in behavior. They do not limit themselves in regard to the relationship with just one man. If the owners of Soul number 2 to humiliate or harm them, they become very strong, fierce fighters. They stick to their own decisions, actions, beliefs, and look straight in the face of all obstacles to until they reach the desired. They are not easily discouraged, they did not immediately surrender.

Men, especially born on the 29th, differ mental strength, eagerness to work and luck. Born the 11th has a very strong spirit, but as a rule, they are weak and do not have health a strong constitution. They have great personal problems due to the fact that they are strong and demanding nature of isolating them from their circle of friends. The main vibration of the number 11: enlightenment, excitement, tension. Men with the number two lucky souls in matters relating to women – women easily believe them. They can also affect women, it is easy to manipulate and extend women’s secrets. They should avoid work together on a project with the people whose Destiny number 5.

A caution to people with a Soul number 2:

  • Owners with the Soul Number 2 must cultivate self – confidence, willpower and determination
  • They must not lose courage or quickly fall in love
  • They must remain independent. They should not postpone their work for others, do not waste energy waiting for any help in the work
  • They should not leave the work unfinished because of the loss of interest in it
  • They must follow only their own decisions
  • They should avoid swimming or boating in the deep places
  • They should avoid the rush and they should engage in meditation to control your mind to overcome his own anxiety
  • They should avoid the company of sycophants
  • They should avoid eating, not suitable for the stomach and heart. Improved sentiment destroys the stomach and leads to constipation. This in turn causes gastritis and release of gases that can act harmful to the heart. People with the Soul number 2 are prone to stomach and heart disease. Abstain from food, causing constipation – is the key to their physical and mental well-being
  • They must be aware of his friendship with the opposite sex. The presence of too many friends cause problems, because each one – “a separate peace” with the number of people and the Soul number 2 emotional, sensitive, prone to waste of energy in the emotional excitation
  • They should avoid people with communicable diseases, because of its susceptibility to infections and weak immune system. In order to strengthen the immune system, they should take morning walks and do massage. Because of general weakness, they should try to gain more physical strength
  • They should know more about the moon, its strong and weak periods. They should be avoided during the illness the throat opening of the neck and chest
  • They should avoid anger that burns the life-giving flow in the body. Physically, these people are not strong. A gust of anger can lead to hysteria, and even throw them into unconsciousness
  • People with Soul number 2 should not make important decisions during a full moon, when the time is near moonrise at the time of sunrise (the last three days of decreasing the cycle of the moon), or being close to large pools of water. The decision is best taken in the middle of the declining cycle or the cycle of the rising moon. At this time the moon is not so strong. Since “two” are controlled by the Moon, their nature and effect full and new moon
  • People with Soul number 2 must engage in sports that can be practiced in the open air. They must constantly worry about maintaining your body in proper shape
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Hi, I’m Clara Westbrook, the founder and author of I'm an ardent numerologist dedicated to uncovering the profound symbolism and impact of numbers in our daily lives. I'm convinced that numbers can illuminate aspects of our character, fate, abilities, hurdles, and potential paths. Through numerology, I believe we can gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and those around us, and navigate our choices for personal growth and fulfillment. My journey with numerology spans over a decade, during which I've had the privilege to learn from some of the foremost authorities in this discipline. By applying numerology to my personal experiences, I've witnessed its transformative power first hand. My aim with this website is to impart my learnings and observations, assisting you in realizing the profound influence of numbers in your life. Here, you'll encounter articles, manuals, reviews, and resources that will guide you in delving deeper into numerology's intricacies. Additionally, you'll discover practical suggestions on harnessing numerology for the enhancement of various life facets such as relationships, career, health, and finances. Whether you're just dipping your toes into the world of numerology or are well-acquainted with its concepts, this website promises to offer valuable insights. I trust that you'll find my content both engaging and informative. Moreover, I hope numerology sparks your enthusiasm to lead a more enriched life. Should you have queries or comments, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Your thoughts are always appreciated. Thank you for stopping by!

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