Different Types Of Numerology Numbers And Their Meaning

Birth Day Number

Your birth day number is the number of the day you were born. This is the one number that you don’t have to reduce to a single digit, so if you were born after the 9th of the month, you don’t have to make that number a single digit and just leave it as it is. The birthday number shows your natural abilities and challenges.

Born on the 1st: You’re an ambitious, independent person, a great leader, and need to shake things up in your life regularly or you get bored fast. You can have great success in life, but you need to watch for laziness or being too stubborn.

Born on the 2nd: You’re sensitive, can sense what other people are thinking, and can use that to your advantage. You like having a partner and want harmonious environments. You can struggle with being confident and focusing on the negatives of a situation.

Born on the 3rd: You’re a creative person, excellent at expressing yourself, with an imagination and friendly personality. You can change and make anything beautiful. You can focus too much on things that don’t matter and let your moods sway too much.

Born on the 4th: You’re a focused person, grounded, and responsible, and you work hard for what you want. You try to make sure everything is built on solid ground. You can be inflexible at times and work yourself so hard that you don’t enjoy your life.

Born on the 5th: You’re an adventurer, need to explore the world, and want to have new experiences constantly. You love freedom and work well with change. You can be difficult to pin down, indulgent, and too impulsive, getting yourself into trouble.

Born on the 6th: You’re a nurturer, focused on your domestic life, and can be a great mediator. You can be artistic, a healer, and devote yourself to your loved ones. You don’t take criticism well, let compliments get to your head, and sacrifice too much of yourself for others.

Born on the 7th: You’re an analytical person with a keen intellect. You’re not afraid to ask the big questions, to dig deeper into matters, and can be a master at something. You don’t like expressing your feelings, can be stubborn and cold, and isolate yourself.

Born on the 8th: You’re excellent at business and financial matters, work well as a boss, and know how to manage people and projects. You can be a good judge of character and are practical. You may be too controlling, lack empathy, or don’t work well with a partner.

Born on the 9th: You’re open to all, want to serve the greater good and understand the human plight. You can be charming and see the bigger picture. You can have a hard time letting go, and hold on to resentments and anger for too long.

Born on the 10th: You’re an ambitious person, a good leader, and can create whatever you want in life if you keep with it. You’re good at making plans and want to succeed. Competitiveness, jealousy, and stubbornness can be problems, and you have difficulty with routine.
Born on the 11th: You’re an idealist, always fantasizing about what people and the world could be like if they tried, and extremely intuitive. You can be sensitive and inspiring but struggle with mundane tasks and details and lack the courage to act on your dreams.

Born on the 12th: You’re a creative person, and express yourself in creative ways. You’re fun and friendly, enthusiastic and sociable. You can let your emotions get the best of you at times and need to work on maintaining focus so you don’t become so scattered.

Born on the 13th: You’re a grounded, practical person, at one with nature, and excellent at organizing. You have self-discipline and work hard. You can be so grounded and practical that you don’t follow your dreams, and let your abilities fade away, never to be used.

Born on the 14th: You’re an excitable person, always looking for something new, and always on the prowl for an adventure. You’re creative, enjoy people and love change. You can change things too much at times, lack confidence, and not see things through to the end.

Born on the 15th: You’re a creative person and want both a solid domestic life and the ability to pursue your artistic desires. You need a partner in life and devote yourself to others. You can be too sensitive, give too much to others, and let yourself become a victim.

Born on the 16th: You’re a spiritual, philosophical person, who wants to know more about how things work and is intuitive but practical about it. Your mind is your greatest asset. You can become too cold and distant emotionally, live in the clouds, and lack the focus to finish anything.

Born on the 17th: You’re good at judging others, great at managing, and can succeed in business. You have big goals and want to show the world what you can do. You can be too dominating and self-centered, ruthlessly ambitious, and hoard everything you get for yourself.

Born on the 18th: You’re compassionate and a humanitarian, open to everyone, and want to see the world. You can be artistic, and come into your own later in life. You can hold on to grudges for too long, and suffer more than most from those feelings of anger and hatred.

Born on the 19th: You’re ambitious and confident, a hard worker, and willing to blaze new trails. You crave independence more than anything else, but need to learn how to work with others and do things that don’t just benefit you but all of humanity.

Born on the 20th: You’re sensitive to other people’s thoughts and feelings, like having a partner with you, and notice the little things. You like being the one running things in the background. You can be vulnerable to ruthless people and have a hard time standing up for yourself.
Born on the 21st: You’re sociable, charming, and have a creative imagination. Your mind is quick, and you have a fun, enthusiastic personality. You have difficulty focusing on anything for very long, can squander your talents, and have anxious energy.

Born on the 22nd, you’re a builder, a dreamer, and a hard worker. You come up with big ideas, but you’re practical enough to figure out ways to realistically make them happen. A fear of failure can hold you back, and a lack of confidence can be your biggest downfall.

Born on the 23rd: You’re enthusiastic, love change, and want to enjoy life. You can adapt to whatever happens, enjoy the company of others, and see both the big picture and the details. You can be irresponsible at times, overindulge, and lack structure and order in your life.

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Born on the 24th: You’re a caring, giving person, and want to create a harmonious life for yourself and your family. You can be there for others and are artistic, and sensitive. You can be melodramatic, vulnerable, stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, and lack practicality.

Born on the 25th: You’re intuitive and can be guided by that, an eternal student, and want to learn as much as you can. You’re spiritual and sensitive, analytical and intellectual. You can become too lost in your own head, shun your feelings, or become cynical.

Born on the 26th: You’re talented with business affairs and financial matters, great with the big picture, reliable, and proud of what you accomplish. You’re practical and strong. You can be materialistic, inconsiderate of others, and lack humility.

Born on the 27th: You’re an artistic person, have a wider view of the world, and can lead people. You’re compassionate, a humanitarian, and do well later in life. You can hold on to baggage for too long, and keep working at something even though it’s long gone.

Born on the 28th: You’re a natural leader, but also work well with others. You can charm people to your side without being overbearing. You’re ambitious, independent, and pioneering. You have trouble seeing things through and can be stubborn, and egotistical.

Born on the 29th: You’re a creative, intuitive person, spiritual and philosophical, and in touch with the universe. You’re sensitive, a healer, and sociable. You’re easily bruised, unsure of yourself, get stuck in bad moods, and can be afraid of your own purpose in life.

Born on the 30th: You’re creative, an artist, imaginative, and sociable. People enjoy spending time with you, and you’re charming and enthusiastic. Your emotions can sway quickly, you can lack direction so you squander your talents, and have difficulty focusing on the big picture.

Born on the 31st: You’re devoted to your domestic life, your community, and to creating a strong foundation. You’re practical, organized, disciplined, and artistic. You can work yourself too hard, not live in the moment, and not listen to the universe.
Hidden Passion and Karmic Lesson Numbers
In numerology, your Hidden Passion number(s) highlights your strengths and abilities, and your Karmic Lesson number(s) highlights your weaknesses and skills that need to be learned. They’re the opposite sides of the same coin.

To find these two numbers, write out all of the numbers in your full birth name (including your middle name if you have one). The number that appears the most is your Hidden Passion number (if you have two or more appearing the same amount of times and they’re the most, both of those numbers are your Hidden Passion number).

If one or more numbers are missing, those are your Karmic Lesson numbers. Note that you can’t have a Master number as a Hidden Passion or Karmic Lesson number, only numbers 1 – 9.

If one of your core numbers is the same as your Karmic Lesson number, that makes the negative impact less. If one of your core numbers is the same as your Hidden Passion number, that emphasizes it.

Hidden Passion number 1: You’re ambitious, strong, and a leader, You have energy, are competitive, and will do whatever you can to outdo everyone else.

Hidden Passion number 3: You’re expressive, fun to be around, and creative. You show what you can do with ease. You’re charming and have a positive attitude about life.

Hidden Passion number 5: You’re freedom-loving, bold daring, and sensual. You can go with any changes that occur and not get thrown off by the changes.

Hidden Passion number 7: You’re introspective, a deep thinker, and like to study. You’re logical, and analytical, and seek to understand the reason behind everything.

Hidden Passion number 9: You’re compassionate and understanding, and want to help the world in some way. You can be creative, idealistic, and independent.
Hidden Passion number 2: You’re sensitive, work well with others, and can mediate fights and negotiate compromises, striving to create harmonious environments.

Hidden Passion number 4: You’re grounded, responsible, and maintain structure and order. You have a practical approach and can stay on schedule, making you reliable.

Hidden Passion number 6: You’re a giver, wanting to help those around you, and give them everything you have. You’re responsible, self-sacrificing, and nurturing.

Hidden Passion number 8: You’re ambitious and hard-working, and keep going until you achieve what you set out to achieve. You’re a leader, and good at judging others.
Karmic Lesson number 1: You lack confidence, are timid when you have to lead and need to develop strength. Learn to think for yourself and be more independent.

Karmic Lesson number 3: You need to not demand so much of yourself, especially when you’re in the spotlight. Learn to look at the bright side of everything and be creative.

Karmic Lesson number 5: You need to embrace freedom and be more bold and daring. Learn to accept change, become adaptable, and take a leap of faith.

Karmic Lesson number 7: You need to question everything and let yourself research and study. Learn to focus on what interests you and acquire knowledge and wisdom.

Karmic Lesson number 9: You need to become compassionate and understanding, and think of others as much as yourself. Learn to look at the world from a wider view.
Karmic Lesson number 2: You need to know when it’s the right time to say something and what the right thing to say is. Learn to work better with others and be sensitive.

Karmic Lesson number 4: You need to create some structure and order in your life, and have a more methodical approach. Learn to be organized and loyal.

Karmic Lesson number 6: You need to commit to others and accept your responsibilities instead of running from them. Learn to open yourself up and give of yourself.

Karmic Lesson number 8: You can have difficulties in your professional life, are too stubborn, and a bad judge of others. Learn to have discipline and restraint.

Maturity Number

In numerology, your Maturity number shows something that becomes important to you as you get older. It’s a goal that begins to manifest around age 30-35 and comes with the knowledge that you’ve been gaining about yourself, and what you truly want from life. As you get older, it becomes more and more important to you. To find your Maturity number, add together your Life Path number and your Expression number. Reduce this number to a single digit if it’s a double-digit unless it’s a Master number (11,22,33).

Maturity Number 1
With Maturity number 1, you learn how to become independent, and a leader, and you want to start new things. You have great luck when you do start new things, and you can be ambitious and outspoken. As you get older, you can become completely independent and rely only on yourself for whatever you need.
Maturity Number 2
With Maturity number 2, you learn how to let other people help you at a young age, and the challenge is helping others as much as they help you. You want to keep the peace, are diplomatic crave harmony, and are sensitive. As you get older, you find the partner that you yearn for and the harmony you want.
Maturity Number 3
With Maturity number 3, you have a strong creative streak and active imagination, but it could be a source of problems when young, or you couldn’t let it out for some reason. You want to express yourself and have fun with life. As you get older, you can be your true creative self, and enjoy life to the fullest.
Maturity Number 4
With Maturity number 4, you can be practical and hard-working. You crave structure and order, and you know how to build something strong from the ground up. You can have problems taking responsibility for your actions. As you get older, you can be humble, and practical, and find pleasure in building something lasting.
Maturity Number 5
With Maturity number 5, you love change, freedom, and adventure. You’re not afraid to take chances and be bold and daring. You can lack direction when you’re young, and wander aimlessly for some time, struggling to put down roots. As you get older, you can be a world traveler and adventurer and are always young at heart.
Maturity Number 6
With Maturity number 6, you care deeply about other people and will give as much as you can. You live to serve, but you can go too far, especially when young, and can become lost in your beliefs. As you get older, you can create the family that you want, and find the happiness that you seek.
Maturity Number 7
With Maturity number 7, you live as you want to live, and it’s different from everyone else. You strive to learn as much as you can and spend a lot of time by yourself seeking wisdom. As you get older, you can meditate and contemplate as much as you want, and share the wisdom that you’ve gained.
Maturity Number 8
With Maturity number 8, you can achieve a lot in your life, but you have to make sure you don’t give in to materialism, and embrace your spiritual self as well. You’re hard-working, determined, and organized. As you get older, you can become a master of whatever you do, and gain understanding.
Maturity Number 9
With Maturity number 9, you have to learn to love all of humankind, and serve others. You care deeply for others, are very responsible, and should focus more on your spiritual self. As you get older, you can work at helping other people in some way, especially through healing or philanthropy, and opening your heart.
Maturity Number 11
With Maturity number 11, you seem like an old soul at a young age and have an innate understanding and strong intuition. You can be anxious and fidgety, especially in your younger years. As you get older, you can fully realize your spiritual potential, cleanse your life, and help others on their path.
Maturity Number 22
With Maturity number 22, you’re grounded enough to handle the challenges that life throws at you, and while you will have more than most, you can get through and become more successful than most. Midlife is important for you, and you can reassess. As you get older, you continue to work hard toward your mission in life and create a stable life.
Maturity Number 33
With Maturity number 33, you’re extremely caring and devoted to others. This is a rare Maturity number, a result of an 11 and 22 Life Path or Expression, so you’re someone who has something to offer the world and make a big impact as a wise teacher once you find balance. As you get older, you’re looked toward to show what love truly is.

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Subconscious Self Number
In numerology, the Subconscious self-number shows how you can use your natural talents and make the most out of opportunities you’re presented with in life, usually when you’re dealing with difficult situations or something new.

To get your Subconscious Self number, you check all of the numbers that are in your full birth name (including your middle name). Every letter in the alphabet corresponds to a number 1 – 9. Add together how many numbers are missing in your full birth name. Most people have at least 1 or 2 numbers missing in their birth name (these are your Karmic Lesson numbers). However many you’re missing, subtract from 9, and that’s your Subconscious Self number.

For example, if you’re missing numbers 3 and 8 in your name, you’re missing 2 numbers, so subtract 2 from 9, and your Subconscious Self number is 7. If you’re not missing any numbers, your Subconscious Self number is 9. Note that it isn’t possible to have a Subconscious Self number of 1 or 2 unless you only have a few letters in your name, so those aren’t included.

Subconscious Self Number 3
With Subconscious Self number 3, you want other people to help you with your problems, and you continue to have problems in your life until you learn to face your issues yourself. You can be overly emotional at times, trust the wrong people, and be unfocused. You need to have discipline, good judgment, and direction.

Subconscious Self Number 4
With Subconscious Self number 4, when confronted with the details, you submerge yourself fully within them and get completely lost. It makes it difficult for you to come to a decision, and vacillation can be a crippling problem. You need to be more grounded and trust in your ability to make decisions quickly and with confidence.

Subconscious Self Number 5
With Subconscious Self number 5, you can have a hard time dedicating yourself to anything and are disorganized and undisciplined. Your escapist tendencies create more problems than they solve. You need to become more grounded, and responsible, and find something that will give you some roots and tether you.

Subconscious Self Number 6
With Subconscious Self number 6, you give of yourself to everyone and don’t tend to your own needs. Your domestic life is your first priority. You want your family to help you when you’re having problems, but ultimately, you need to be the one taking responsibility for your actions.

Subconscious Self Number 7
With Subconscious Self number 7, you retreat into your mind when you have problems and are emotionally distant when you’re upset. You can feel isolated and alone as a result. You need to learn to open up to others, and know that you have what it takes to weather any storm life sends your way.

Subconscious Self Number 8
With Subconscious Self number 8, you can get through anything life throws at you. You’re known as someone who can go through a trial and come out better than ever. You’re practical with problems, adjust to changes quickly, and don’t get stuck in negative patterns. You know what you must do in a crisis, and you handle it well.

Subconscious Self Number 9
With Subconscious Self number 9, you can have a hard time being open with your feelings, even if they do run deep. You’re not greatly affected by problems that come up in your life, and since you don’t have any Karmic Lesson numbers, you can maintain a calm throughout your life.

Balance Number

In numerology, your Balance number shows you how to best deal with issues that come up in your life. We all go through trials and tribulations, and your Balance number can help you cope.

To find your Balance number, add together the numbers that correspond to the first letters of your first, middle, and last names (a.k.a. your initials). If your name is Jane Anna Doe, you’d add together 1 (J), 1 (A), and 4 (D), equaling a Balance number of 6. If it were a double-digit number, you’d reduce it to a single digit.

Note that with Balance numbers, if you get a Master number, you want to reduce it to a single digit (Master numbers don’t apply for Balance numbers).

Balance Number 1
With Balance number 1, you can support yourself when you need to, but you shouldn’t keep everything to yourself. You’re strong, but you should open up about your feelings with loved ones. Don’t force yourself to go through everything alone, and listen to what people tell you.

Balance Number 2
With Balance number 2, you tend to run from your problems, not wanting to deal with the confrontation, but you should stop yourself and face it directly. When you do that, you can solve your problems quickly. Summon courage deep within yourself and draw on your natural abilities.

Balance Number 3
With Balance number 3, you need to control your tendency to become too emotional during a crisis in your life. You can lack objectivity and need to take a step back so you can see what to do. Be positive about what’s going on, and by believing everything will work out, it will.

Balance Number 4
With Balance number 4, you need to not be so serious about what’s going on in your life. Laugh a little at the ridiculousness of your hardships. You can let your rage become a problem and need to exercise some discipline. When you maintain control of yourself and be practical, you can work through your problems.

Balance Number 5
With Balance number 5, you need to work on your problems directly. You like to run from them, but they’ll just chase you wherever you go. Don’t give in to escapist tendencies and create even bigger problems for yourself. Dedicate yourself to your problems, and you’ll find the answer.

Balance Number 6
With Balance number 6, you tend to lean on your loved ones when you have problems, almost like you want them to solve your problems, but they can’t. Only you can do that, so you have to focus on your problems yourself and not shy away from them in the comfort of your loved ones. Take responsibility.

Balance Number 7
With Balance number 7, you can go inside of your mind to avoid dealing with your problems, but in your mind is where you can find the solution to your problems, so if you’re willing to not get completely lost in your mind and actually apply the solution in real life, you can solve your problems.

Balance Number 8
With Balance number 8, you tend to take the power you have and misuse it when you’re going through difficult times, and this only makes things worse for you. Use your power for good, not to take advantage of others to make yourself feel better. Take responsibility, and consider the impact your decisions have on other people.

Balance Number 9
With Balance number 9, you tend to run from your problems by escaping to some higher plane, and detach emotionally so you don’t have to deal with it. You need to connect with others emotionally, be more practical about your problems, and find realistic solutions for them.

Hi, I’m Clara Westbrook, the founder and author of Numerologyzz.com. I'm an ardent numerologist dedicated to uncovering the profound symbolism and impact of numbers in our daily lives. I'm convinced that numbers can illuminate aspects of our character, fate, abilities, hurdles, and potential paths. Through numerology, I believe we can gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and those around us, and navigate our choices for personal growth and fulfillment. My journey with numerology spans over a decade, during which I've had the privilege to learn from some of the foremost authorities in this discipline. By applying numerology to my personal experiences, I've witnessed its transformative power first hand. My aim with this website is to impart my learnings and observations, assisting you in realizing the profound influence of numbers in your life. Here, you'll encounter articles, manuals, reviews, and resources that will guide you in delving deeper into numerology's intricacies. Additionally, you'll discover practical suggestions on harnessing numerology for the enhancement of various life facets such as relationships, career, health, and finances. Whether you're just dipping your toes into the world of numerology or are well-acquainted with its concepts, this website promises to offer valuable insights. I trust that you'll find my content both engaging and informative. Moreover, I hope numerology sparks your enthusiasm to lead a more enriched life. Should you have queries or comments, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Your thoughts are always appreciated. Thank you for stopping by!

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