Numerology Reading - Numerologyzz Best Guide and Information on Numerology Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:14:16 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Numerology Reading - Numerologyzz 32 32 225968510 Different Types Of Numerology Numbers And Their Meaning Sun, 10 Sep 2023 08:57:00 +0000 Birth Day Number Your birth day number is the number of the day you were born. This is the one number that you don’t have to reduce to a single digit, so if you were born after the 9th of the month, you don’t have to make that number a single digit and just leave it as it is. The birthday number shows your natural abilities and challenges. Born on the 1st: You’re an ambitious, independent person, a great leader, and need to shake things up in your life regularly or you get bored fast. You can have great success in life, but you need to watch for laziness or being too stubborn. Born on the 2nd: You’re sensitive, can sense what other people are thinking, and can use that to your advantage. You like having a partner and want harmonious environments. You can struggle with being confident and focusing on the negatives of a situation. Born on the 3rd: You’re a creative person, excellent at expressing yourself, with an imagination and friendly personality. You can change and make anything beautiful. You can focus too much on things that don’t matter and let your moods sway too much. Born on […]

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Birth Day Number

Your birth day number is the number of the day you were born. This is the one number that you don’t have to reduce to a single digit, so if you were born after the 9th of the month, you don’t have to make that number a single digit and just leave it as it is. The birthday number shows your natural abilities and challenges.

Born on the 1st: You’re an ambitious, independent person, a great leader, and need to shake things up in your life regularly or you get bored fast. You can have great success in life, but you need to watch for laziness or being too stubborn.

Born on the 2nd: You’re sensitive, can sense what other people are thinking, and can use that to your advantage. You like having a partner and want harmonious environments. You can struggle with being confident and focusing on the negatives of a situation.

Born on the 3rd: You’re a creative person, excellent at expressing yourself, with an imagination and friendly personality. You can change and make anything beautiful. You can focus too much on things that don’t matter and let your moods sway too much.

Born on the 4th: You’re a focused person, grounded, and responsible, and you work hard for what you want. You try to make sure everything is built on solid ground. You can be inflexible at times and work yourself so hard that you don’t enjoy your life.

Born on the 5th: You’re an adventurer, need to explore the world, and want to have new experiences constantly. You love freedom and work well with change. You can be difficult to pin down, indulgent, and too impulsive, getting yourself into trouble.

Born on the 6th: You’re a nurturer, focused on your domestic life, and can be a great mediator. You can be artistic, a healer, and devote yourself to your loved ones. You don’t take criticism well, let compliments get to your head, and sacrifice too much of yourself for others.

Born on the 7th: You’re an analytical person with a keen intellect. You’re not afraid to ask the big questions, to dig deeper into matters, and can be a master at something. You don’t like expressing your feelings, can be stubborn and cold, and isolate yourself.

Born on the 8th: You’re excellent at business and financial matters, work well as a boss, and know how to manage people and projects. You can be a good judge of character and are practical. You may be too controlling, lack empathy, or don’t work well with a partner.

Born on the 9th: You’re open to all, want to serve the greater good and understand the human plight. You can be charming and see the bigger picture. You can have a hard time letting go, and hold on to resentments and anger for too long.

Born on the 10th: You’re an ambitious person, a good leader, and can create whatever you want in life if you keep with it. You’re good at making plans and want to succeed. Competitiveness, jealousy, and stubbornness can be problems, and you have difficulty with routine.
Born on the 11th: You’re an idealist, always fantasizing about what people and the world could be like if they tried, and extremely intuitive. You can be sensitive and inspiring but struggle with mundane tasks and details and lack the courage to act on your dreams.

Born on the 12th: You’re a creative person, and express yourself in creative ways. You’re fun and friendly, enthusiastic and sociable. You can let your emotions get the best of you at times and need to work on maintaining focus so you don’t become so scattered.

Born on the 13th: You’re a grounded, practical person, at one with nature, and excellent at organizing. You have self-discipline and work hard. You can be so grounded and practical that you don’t follow your dreams, and let your abilities fade away, never to be used.

Born on the 14th: You’re an excitable person, always looking for something new, and always on the prowl for an adventure. You’re creative, enjoy people and love change. You can change things too much at times, lack confidence, and not see things through to the end.

Born on the 15th: You’re a creative person and want both a solid domestic life and the ability to pursue your artistic desires. You need a partner in life and devote yourself to others. You can be too sensitive, give too much to others, and let yourself become a victim.

Born on the 16th: You’re a spiritual, philosophical person, who wants to know more about how things work and is intuitive but practical about it. Your mind is your greatest asset. You can become too cold and distant emotionally, live in the clouds, and lack the focus to finish anything.

Born on the 17th: You’re good at judging others, great at managing, and can succeed in business. You have big goals and want to show the world what you can do. You can be too dominating and self-centered, ruthlessly ambitious, and hoard everything you get for yourself.

Born on the 18th: You’re compassionate and a humanitarian, open to everyone, and want to see the world. You can be artistic, and come into your own later in life. You can hold on to grudges for too long, and suffer more than most from those feelings of anger and hatred.

Born on the 19th: You’re ambitious and confident, a hard worker, and willing to blaze new trails. You crave independence more than anything else, but need to learn how to work with others and do things that don’t just benefit you but all of humanity.

Born on the 20th: You’re sensitive to other people’s thoughts and feelings, like having a partner with you, and notice the little things. You like being the one running things in the background. You can be vulnerable to ruthless people and have a hard time standing up for yourself.
Born on the 21st: You’re sociable, charming, and have a creative imagination. Your mind is quick, and you have a fun, enthusiastic personality. You have difficulty focusing on anything for very long, can squander your talents, and have anxious energy.

Born on the 22nd, you’re a builder, a dreamer, and a hard worker. You come up with big ideas, but you’re practical enough to figure out ways to realistically make them happen. A fear of failure can hold you back, and a lack of confidence can be your biggest downfall.

Born on the 23rd: You’re enthusiastic, love change, and want to enjoy life. You can adapt to whatever happens, enjoy the company of others, and see both the big picture and the details. You can be irresponsible at times, overindulge, and lack structure and order in your life.

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Born on the 24th: You’re a caring, giving person, and want to create a harmonious life for yourself and your family. You can be there for others and are artistic, and sensitive. You can be melodramatic, vulnerable, stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, and lack practicality.

Born on the 25th: You’re intuitive and can be guided by that, an eternal student, and want to learn as much as you can. You’re spiritual and sensitive, analytical and intellectual. You can become too lost in your own head, shun your feelings, or become cynical.

Born on the 26th: You’re talented with business affairs and financial matters, great with the big picture, reliable, and proud of what you accomplish. You’re practical and strong. You can be materialistic, inconsiderate of others, and lack humility.

Born on the 27th: You’re an artistic person, have a wider view of the world, and can lead people. You’re compassionate, a humanitarian, and do well later in life. You can hold on to baggage for too long, and keep working at something even though it’s long gone.

Born on the 28th: You’re a natural leader, but also work well with others. You can charm people to your side without being overbearing. You’re ambitious, independent, and pioneering. You have trouble seeing things through and can be stubborn, and egotistical.

Born on the 29th: You’re a creative, intuitive person, spiritual and philosophical, and in touch with the universe. You’re sensitive, a healer, and sociable. You’re easily bruised, unsure of yourself, get stuck in bad moods, and can be afraid of your own purpose in life.

Born on the 30th: You’re creative, an artist, imaginative, and sociable. People enjoy spending time with you, and you’re charming and enthusiastic. Your emotions can sway quickly, you can lack direction so you squander your talents, and have difficulty focusing on the big picture.

Born on the 31st: You’re devoted to your domestic life, your community, and to creating a strong foundation. You’re practical, organized, disciplined, and artistic. You can work yourself too hard, not live in the moment, and not listen to the universe.
Hidden Passion and Karmic Lesson Numbers
In numerology, your Hidden Passion number(s) highlights your strengths and abilities, and your Karmic Lesson number(s) highlights your weaknesses and skills that need to be learned. They’re the opposite sides of the same coin.

To find these two numbers, write out all of the numbers in your full birth name (including your middle name if you have one). The number that appears the most is your Hidden Passion number (if you have two or more appearing the same amount of times and they’re the most, both of those numbers are your Hidden Passion number).

If one or more numbers are missing, those are your Karmic Lesson numbers. Note that you can’t have a Master number as a Hidden Passion or Karmic Lesson number, only numbers 1 – 9.

If one of your core numbers is the same as your Karmic Lesson number, that makes the negative impact less. If one of your core numbers is the same as your Hidden Passion number, that emphasizes it.

Hidden Passion number 1: You’re ambitious, strong, and a leader, You have energy, are competitive, and will do whatever you can to outdo everyone else.

Hidden Passion number 3: You’re expressive, fun to be around, and creative. You show what you can do with ease. You’re charming and have a positive attitude about life.

Hidden Passion number 5: You’re freedom-loving, bold daring, and sensual. You can go with any changes that occur and not get thrown off by the changes.

Hidden Passion number 7: You’re introspective, a deep thinker, and like to study. You’re logical, and analytical, and seek to understand the reason behind everything.

Hidden Passion number 9: You’re compassionate and understanding, and want to help the world in some way. You can be creative, idealistic, and independent.
Hidden Passion number 2: You’re sensitive, work well with others, and can mediate fights and negotiate compromises, striving to create harmonious environments.

Hidden Passion number 4: You’re grounded, responsible, and maintain structure and order. You have a practical approach and can stay on schedule, making you reliable.

Hidden Passion number 6: You’re a giver, wanting to help those around you, and give them everything you have. You’re responsible, self-sacrificing, and nurturing.

Hidden Passion number 8: You’re ambitious and hard-working, and keep going until you achieve what you set out to achieve. You’re a leader, and good at judging others.
Karmic Lesson number 1: You lack confidence, are timid when you have to lead and need to develop strength. Learn to think for yourself and be more independent.

Karmic Lesson number 3: You need to not demand so much of yourself, especially when you’re in the spotlight. Learn to look at the bright side of everything and be creative.

Karmic Lesson number 5: You need to embrace freedom and be more bold and daring. Learn to accept change, become adaptable, and take a leap of faith.

Karmic Lesson number 7: You need to question everything and let yourself research and study. Learn to focus on what interests you and acquire knowledge and wisdom.

Karmic Lesson number 9: You need to become compassionate and understanding, and think of others as much as yourself. Learn to look at the world from a wider view.
Karmic Lesson number 2: You need to know when it’s the right time to say something and what the right thing to say is. Learn to work better with others and be sensitive.

Karmic Lesson number 4: You need to create some structure and order in your life, and have a more methodical approach. Learn to be organized and loyal.

Karmic Lesson number 6: You need to commit to others and accept your responsibilities instead of running from them. Learn to open yourself up and give of yourself.

Karmic Lesson number 8: You can have difficulties in your professional life, are too stubborn, and a bad judge of others. Learn to have discipline and restraint.

Maturity Number

In numerology, your Maturity number shows something that becomes important to you as you get older. It’s a goal that begins to manifest around age 30-35 and comes with the knowledge that you’ve been gaining about yourself, and what you truly want from life. As you get older, it becomes more and more important to you. To find your Maturity number, add together your Life Path number and your Expression number. Reduce this number to a single digit if it’s a double-digit unless it’s a Master number (11,22,33).

Maturity Number 1
With Maturity number 1, you learn how to become independent, and a leader, and you want to start new things. You have great luck when you do start new things, and you can be ambitious and outspoken. As you get older, you can become completely independent and rely only on yourself for whatever you need.
Maturity Number 2
With Maturity number 2, you learn how to let other people help you at a young age, and the challenge is helping others as much as they help you. You want to keep the peace, are diplomatic crave harmony, and are sensitive. As you get older, you find the partner that you yearn for and the harmony you want.
Maturity Number 3
With Maturity number 3, you have a strong creative streak and active imagination, but it could be a source of problems when young, or you couldn’t let it out for some reason. You want to express yourself and have fun with life. As you get older, you can be your true creative self, and enjoy life to the fullest.
Maturity Number 4
With Maturity number 4, you can be practical and hard-working. You crave structure and order, and you know how to build something strong from the ground up. You can have problems taking responsibility for your actions. As you get older, you can be humble, and practical, and find pleasure in building something lasting.
Maturity Number 5
With Maturity number 5, you love change, freedom, and adventure. You’re not afraid to take chances and be bold and daring. You can lack direction when you’re young, and wander aimlessly for some time, struggling to put down roots. As you get older, you can be a world traveler and adventurer and are always young at heart.
Maturity Number 6
With Maturity number 6, you care deeply about other people and will give as much as you can. You live to serve, but you can go too far, especially when young, and can become lost in your beliefs. As you get older, you can create the family that you want, and find the happiness that you seek.
Maturity Number 7
With Maturity number 7, you live as you want to live, and it’s different from everyone else. You strive to learn as much as you can and spend a lot of time by yourself seeking wisdom. As you get older, you can meditate and contemplate as much as you want, and share the wisdom that you’ve gained.
Maturity Number 8
With Maturity number 8, you can achieve a lot in your life, but you have to make sure you don’t give in to materialism, and embrace your spiritual self as well. You’re hard-working, determined, and organized. As you get older, you can become a master of whatever you do, and gain understanding.
Maturity Number 9
With Maturity number 9, you have to learn to love all of humankind, and serve others. You care deeply for others, are very responsible, and should focus more on your spiritual self. As you get older, you can work at helping other people in some way, especially through healing or philanthropy, and opening your heart.
Maturity Number 11
With Maturity number 11, you seem like an old soul at a young age and have an innate understanding and strong intuition. You can be anxious and fidgety, especially in your younger years. As you get older, you can fully realize your spiritual potential, cleanse your life, and help others on their path.
Maturity Number 22
With Maturity number 22, you’re grounded enough to handle the challenges that life throws at you, and while you will have more than most, you can get through and become more successful than most. Midlife is important for you, and you can reassess. As you get older, you continue to work hard toward your mission in life and create a stable life.
Maturity Number 33
With Maturity number 33, you’re extremely caring and devoted to others. This is a rare Maturity number, a result of an 11 and 22 Life Path or Expression, so you’re someone who has something to offer the world and make a big impact as a wise teacher once you find balance. As you get older, you’re looked toward to show what love truly is.

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Subconscious Self Number
In numerology, the Subconscious self-number shows how you can use your natural talents and make the most out of opportunities you’re presented with in life, usually when you’re dealing with difficult situations or something new.

To get your Subconscious Self number, you check all of the numbers that are in your full birth name (including your middle name). Every letter in the alphabet corresponds to a number 1 – 9. Add together how many numbers are missing in your full birth name. Most people have at least 1 or 2 numbers missing in their birth name (these are your Karmic Lesson numbers). However many you’re missing, subtract from 9, and that’s your Subconscious Self number.

For example, if you’re missing numbers 3 and 8 in your name, you’re missing 2 numbers, so subtract 2 from 9, and your Subconscious Self number is 7. If you’re not missing any numbers, your Subconscious Self number is 9. Note that it isn’t possible to have a Subconscious Self number of 1 or 2 unless you only have a few letters in your name, so those aren’t included.

Subconscious Self Number 3
With Subconscious Self number 3, you want other people to help you with your problems, and you continue to have problems in your life until you learn to face your issues yourself. You can be overly emotional at times, trust the wrong people, and be unfocused. You need to have discipline, good judgment, and direction.

Subconscious Self Number 4
With Subconscious Self number 4, when confronted with the details, you submerge yourself fully within them and get completely lost. It makes it difficult for you to come to a decision, and vacillation can be a crippling problem. You need to be more grounded and trust in your ability to make decisions quickly and with confidence.

Subconscious Self Number 5
With Subconscious Self number 5, you can have a hard time dedicating yourself to anything and are disorganized and undisciplined. Your escapist tendencies create more problems than they solve. You need to become more grounded, and responsible, and find something that will give you some roots and tether you.

Subconscious Self Number 6
With Subconscious Self number 6, you give of yourself to everyone and don’t tend to your own needs. Your domestic life is your first priority. You want your family to help you when you’re having problems, but ultimately, you need to be the one taking responsibility for your actions.

Subconscious Self Number 7
With Subconscious Self number 7, you retreat into your mind when you have problems and are emotionally distant when you’re upset. You can feel isolated and alone as a result. You need to learn to open up to others, and know that you have what it takes to weather any storm life sends your way.

Subconscious Self Number 8
With Subconscious Self number 8, you can get through anything life throws at you. You’re known as someone who can go through a trial and come out better than ever. You’re practical with problems, adjust to changes quickly, and don’t get stuck in negative patterns. You know what you must do in a crisis, and you handle it well.

Subconscious Self Number 9
With Subconscious Self number 9, you can have a hard time being open with your feelings, even if they do run deep. You’re not greatly affected by problems that come up in your life, and since you don’t have any Karmic Lesson numbers, you can maintain a calm throughout your life.

Balance Number

In numerology, your Balance number shows you how to best deal with issues that come up in your life. We all go through trials and tribulations, and your Balance number can help you cope.

To find your Balance number, add together the numbers that correspond to the first letters of your first, middle, and last names (a.k.a. your initials). If your name is Jane Anna Doe, you’d add together 1 (J), 1 (A), and 4 (D), equaling a Balance number of 6. If it were a double-digit number, you’d reduce it to a single digit.

Note that with Balance numbers, if you get a Master number, you want to reduce it to a single digit (Master numbers don’t apply for Balance numbers).

Balance Number 1
With Balance number 1, you can support yourself when you need to, but you shouldn’t keep everything to yourself. You’re strong, but you should open up about your feelings with loved ones. Don’t force yourself to go through everything alone, and listen to what people tell you.

Balance Number 2
With Balance number 2, you tend to run from your problems, not wanting to deal with the confrontation, but you should stop yourself and face it directly. When you do that, you can solve your problems quickly. Summon courage deep within yourself and draw on your natural abilities.

Balance Number 3
With Balance number 3, you need to control your tendency to become too emotional during a crisis in your life. You can lack objectivity and need to take a step back so you can see what to do. Be positive about what’s going on, and by believing everything will work out, it will.

Balance Number 4
With Balance number 4, you need to not be so serious about what’s going on in your life. Laugh a little at the ridiculousness of your hardships. You can let your rage become a problem and need to exercise some discipline. When you maintain control of yourself and be practical, you can work through your problems.

Balance Number 5
With Balance number 5, you need to work on your problems directly. You like to run from them, but they’ll just chase you wherever you go. Don’t give in to escapist tendencies and create even bigger problems for yourself. Dedicate yourself to your problems, and you’ll find the answer.

Balance Number 6
With Balance number 6, you tend to lean on your loved ones when you have problems, almost like you want them to solve your problems, but they can’t. Only you can do that, so you have to focus on your problems yourself and not shy away from them in the comfort of your loved ones. Take responsibility.

Balance Number 7
With Balance number 7, you can go inside of your mind to avoid dealing with your problems, but in your mind is where you can find the solution to your problems, so if you’re willing to not get completely lost in your mind and actually apply the solution in real life, you can solve your problems.

Balance Number 8
With Balance number 8, you tend to take the power you have and misuse it when you’re going through difficult times, and this only makes things worse for you. Use your power for good, not to take advantage of others to make yourself feel better. Take responsibility, and consider the impact your decisions have on other people.

Balance Number 9
With Balance number 9, you tend to run from your problems by escaping to some higher plane, and detach emotionally so you don’t have to deal with it. You need to connect with others emotionally, be more practical about your problems, and find realistic solutions for them.

The post Different Types Of Numerology Numbers And Their Meaning first appeared on Numerologyzz.

How Numerology Interprets The Effects Of Telephone Numbers On Your Life Wed, 14 Jun 2023 11:15:20 +0000 Number-based systems and telephonesNumerology holds that numbers have an impact on both our character and the things that happen to us. Perhaps numerous calls and nice offers are a result of your phone number. Discover the meaning behind the numbers. You must add up all the numbers in your phone number’s parts in order to establish its numerological value. For instance, the numerological value of the telephone number 89191112234 is 8 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 41; 4 + 1 = 5. The resulting prime number carries a unique significance. The numerological values of numbers 1 through 9 are listed here. Number 1This is a strong number, which increases your energy and helps to influence others. But be orderly, not to rely too much on the happy coincidence of circumstances. This is a great number of businessmen and careerists, but not the best for those who are in search of its second half. The number 2This room has a romantic and perfect for people who want to meet her love. This number gives such qualities as kindness, diplomacy, tact, adjusts to cooperate. It is good for […]

The post How Numerology Interprets The Effects Of Telephone Numbers On Your Life first appeared on Numerologyzz.

Number-based systems and telephones
Numerology holds that numbers have an impact on both our character and the things that happen to us. Perhaps numerous calls and nice offers are a result of your phone number. Discover the meaning behind the numbers.

You must add up all the numbers in your phone number’s parts in order to establish its numerological value. For instance, the numerological value of the telephone number 89191112234 is 8 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 41; 4 + 1 = 5.

The resulting prime number carries a unique significance. The numerological values of numbers 1 through 9 are listed here.

Number 1
This is a strong number, which increases your energy and helps to influence others. But be orderly, not to rely too much on the happy coincidence of circumstances. This is a great number of businessmen and careerists, but not the best for those who are in search of its second half.

The number 2
This room has a romantic and perfect for people who want to meet her love. This number gives such qualities as kindness, diplomacy, tact, adjusts to cooperate. It is good for the strong, opinionated people, and all those associated with sales.

The number 3
This number tells about creativity and fun, so is suitable for artists, musicians and young people. He inspires, gives originality and popularity. This number is best to choose a writer or any other people whose work involves writing. However, if you are ambitious and to achieve the goals set by all means, should choose another number.

The number 4
This number is for a stable, reliable, making it suitable for banking institutions, law firms and other firms based on trust and reputation. If you have a big family, you can also select the number 4. But do not use this phone number if you live alone, but your work is not associated with any of these areas.

The number 5
This number brings adventure, change, it is anything but stable. Owners of this phone can expect anything. A similar number for people who love freedom and travel, living alone. It refers to the discipline and weak sense of responsibility to the owners. This is not the most appropriate number for the family man, and all those who are suffering from any mental illness.

Number 6
This is the best number for a family man. He brings warmth, care and protection, strengthens family ties and strengthens friendships. Number is also suitable for business travelers. But people seeking to find a soul mate, it’s better to pick up another phone number.

The number 7
This is a strong and somewhat mystical number, which was created just for students and thinkers. He has a positive effect on your inner state, gives stability and makes you more balanced.

The number 8
This is the most successful number for business, because it literally attracts money and increases the confidence of the partners. Also, room is suitable for ambitious people, because a positive effect on career and financial condition. The number indicates the practicality and materialism, which makes it not too good for people that are configured for personal growth.

The number 9
Idealism and compassion – the main characteristics of this number. This number may choose a charity workers or health facilities. This is one of the most lucky numbers, its owners will often experience the favor of fortune. At the same time, the number is not very suitable for people with health problems, as well as all those who want to increase their financial condition.Numerology and telephone number
According to numerology, numbers do not only affect our character, but also on events that happen to us. Perhaps it is your phone number has led to frequent calls and good deals. Learn the meaning laid down in numbers.

The meaning of the house numbers
Keep in mind the previous residence. Each of them has a distinct energy and vibe. Others were bright and welcoming to visitors, while others were cosy and quiet. According to numerologists, the personality of the home has a direct impact on the number.

Adding the integers that sum up to a single digit will yield the house’s numerological number. If your house number is 56, for example, the numerological value will be 2 (5 + 6 = 11; 1 + 1 = 2).

Given that some home numbers, like 11, 22, or 33, include duplicate numerals, more care should be used. Numerologists claim that since these numbers each represent a distinct number, they do not need to add up.

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which has its own characteristics. The following is a description for each individual house number.

House Number 1
This house is perfect for a new experience in anything: original ideas, start relationships, thinking about starting a business, getting rid of the complexes. Life here is fast, bright and open relationship. Tenants feel the desire to reach new heights and become stronger and more independent, and many attend fitness clubs, training courses or acquiring new skills. In this regard, the guests in the home are often not due to employment of the owners. This home is suitable for athletes, students, travelers, as well as strong and independent men and women.

House Number 2
House with this number usually boasts a quiet and friendly atmosphere, regardless of how many apartments there and floors. The house has a magical power, forcing people to make small improvements here and there. Typically, in such a house is a small garden or just at the entrance to the plant. Residents love to help each other, which makes living here more comfortable. This is a wonderful home for families whose children will be returning here to visit his parents. Ideal also for teachers, social workers, gardeners and retirees.

House Number 3
This is a happy home. Of course, this does not mean that there will never come into trouble, but at the same time, residents are always in a good mood, ready to receive guests. Prevails throughout the house and creative atmosphere. There will be happy to artists, poets, writers, actors and amateurs dream. Typically, house number 3 different special trim and interior design – the tenants tend to bring him something unique and interesting.

House Number 4
House creates an atmosphere of calm, routine and stability. It is ideal for the development of family or business relationships, brings to the character of the tenants peace of mind and patience. It will feel good trades people associated with the land: for example, engaged in horticulture or architecture. Time passes quickly here and remember the progress that has been committed. This is an ideal home for builders, architects, students, bankers, and managers. House supports all those who are focused on the development and achievement of objectives.

House Number 5
The house is always a lot of traffic, people who move in and out, come to visit or settle in for some long time. There are many ideas of romance and feelings. Residents interested in sports, traveling, do not like long-term prospects. It is a fitting home for writers, teachers, tourism industry, large families with many children, as well as athletes.

House Number 6
This house is ideal for families. People here feel safe and comfortable, between neighbors established a friendly relationship. Most often, the house makes a handsome and beautifully thought out decor. The atmosphere here is conducive to intimate conversations, memories. This house is suitable for nurses, social workers, teachers in kindergarten, retirees, and older families.

House Number 7
In this house the atmosphere of peace, tranquility and contemplation. It is ideal for serious research, learning something. Usually a number are at home with the old architecture, where the atmosphere of mysticism, unexplored. This is a great place for scientists, researchers, teachers, psychologists, and philosophers – to all those who like to analyze his own thoughts, immersed in his inner world.

House Number 8
This money home. Those who dwell here, there are opportunities for career growth and additional revenue, there are ideas for organizing a successful business or start a profitable project. This is a suitable accommodation for politicians, managers, doctors, businessmen and celebrities. However, it should be borne in mind that everything here is pretty big. If a profit, the largest, if a nuisance, something very big.

House Number 9
This house has an atmosphere of calm and comfort. It is well to develop their talents and demonstrate them to others. Time is flowing pretty messy: it is possible that the clock on different levels may show different times. This home is well suited for artists, philosophers, nurses, travelers, and the clergy.

House Number 11
In this house, always work in full swing, people scurry to and fro, full of ideas and options for implementation. Residents of the house usually love to teach, inspire, support and help. Well suited for guides, teachers and artists.

House Number 22
Do residents of this house strongly desire to create an atmosphere of calm and security. The house is well suited for people working in the field of philanthropy.

House Number 33
It’s sunny, warm home. Typically, tenants are his very friendly and hospitable. The atmosphere of fun and joy. The house is well suited for artists, writers, and also people whose profession is connected with the upbringing of children.

The Numerological Magic of the Clock

Numerology, or the study of numbers, was known by several names throughout history. It is known as science’s “ten fixtures,” “ten stars,” “ten secret pillars of the universe,” “ten palm leaves,” and “secret end of the great sea.” The figures all have a secret meaning, though, and can reveal a lot about people, according to representatives of various magic schools.

The tick-tock of the clock

What conclusions would you draw, for instance, if you frequently landed in the eyes of 12 or, say, 48 people per day? Nothing, you probably don’t give it much thought. However, in vain, as 12 “shouts” – wait for a new acquaintance, and 48 “hints at,”

the stormy love affair.

But especially, in the opinion marov have figures that are “reflection” each other: 12 and 21, 32 and 23, or repeat each other – 12:12, 23:23, 11:11. You are nothing like? Well, of course, the digital clock! So come take to learn the wisdom of guessing on these artful clocks.

Rule number one – use an electronic oracle only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Rule number two – do not cheat and do not manipulate the facts to suit themselves. Only occasionally seen paired or repetitive figures priot Croutes veil of the future in front of you.

Interpreting the meaning of numbers

00.00 – fulfilling every desire, thought with a pure heart

01.01 – wait for good news from the men game

01.10 – alas, you have started, it’s not bring the expected result

01.11 – do not give up now on any Propositions

02.02 – wait for an invitation to visit or club

02.20 – suppress irritation, follow the words

02.22 – you will discover a mystery

03.03 – knocking at your door love

03.30 – alas, your sense of change remain unanswered

03.33 – Meet the happiness and good fortune

04.04 – look at the situation from the other side

04.40 – Today is clearly not your day fortune to you is (nice man)

04.44 – get a dressing down from his superiors

05.05 – secret enemies plotting against you unfairly

05.50 – Beware of water and fire

05.55 – not far off the meeting with a wise man

06.06 – speedy marriage (marriage)

07.07 – beware of men in uniform

08.08 – career took off

09.09 – guard your purses and handbags

10.01 – acquaintance with the influential men

10.10 – it’s time

11.11 – get dependent on someone (or something)

12.12 – success on the love front.

12.21 – meeting with a charming woman

13.13 – Beware rivals

13.31 – get what long dreamed

14.14 – now a ball is ruled by love

14.41 – get into trouble

15.15 – follow the advice of a wise man

15.51 – get ready for the rapid, but short novel

16.16 – be careful on the road

17.17 – Beware of street hoodlums

18.18 – be careful on the road

19.19 – success in business

20.02 – quarrel with another person.

20.20 – scandal in the family

21.12 – the birth of a child or a new project

21.21 – a whirlwind romance

22.22 – new acquaintance

23.23 – a dangerous relationship

23.32 – problems of health

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The post How Numerology Interprets The Effects Of Telephone Numbers On Your Life first appeared on Numerologyzz.

Couples’ Numerological Relationship Compatibility Part 2 Wed, 05 Apr 2023 07:05:00 +0000 Numerological compatibility: destiny number 6Woman Outwardly, she seems unflappable, chilly and even alienated, but underneath it all lies the sensuality and sexuality. In his youth, often naive, sentimental and shy. As an adult, it is reasonable. Dreamy, has a great imagination and a strong intuition. It may be soft, shy, modest, or seductive, flirtatious, playful. Its unpredictability gives it a special appeal. Inclined to romantic relationships. Cherish every moment of love. Heart and soul is given to their feelings. She needs a sensitive and responsive partner, only that person will make her happy. It does not tolerate half-heartedness in the relationship: all or nothing. Wants to love and be loved, and to the end. Can be quick-tempered and touchy. She wants security, understanding and caring. Although she is able to stand up to any of life’s storms. Leaving the partner tries to maintain friendly relations. Marriage and children are the main priorities. Chooses her husband, equal social position and with similar interests. Relationships with family are of paramount importance to her, and it a lot of time and effort given to them. Man Such a man is required, hard-working and reliable. Strives for a stable relationship. Loves selflessly surrendering feelings. […]

The post Couples’ Numerological Relationship Compatibility Part 2 first appeared on Numerologyzz.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 6

Outwardly, she seems unflappable, chilly and even alienated, but underneath it all lies the sensuality and sexuality. In his youth, often naive, sentimental and shy. As an adult, it is reasonable. Dreamy, has a great imagination and a strong intuition. It may be soft, shy, modest, or seductive, flirtatious, playful. Its unpredictability gives it a special appeal. Inclined to romantic relationships. Cherish every moment of love. Heart and soul is given to their feelings.

She needs a sensitive and responsive partner, only that person will make her happy. It does not tolerate half-heartedness in the relationship: all or nothing. Wants to love and be loved, and to the end. Can be quick-tempered and touchy. She wants security, understanding and caring. Although she is able to stand up to any of life’s storms. Leaving the partner tries to maintain friendly relations. Marriage and children are the main priorities. Chooses her husband, equal social position and with similar interests. Relationships with family are of paramount importance to her, and it a lot of time and effort given to them.


Such a man is required, hard-working and reliable. Strives for a stable relationship. Loves selflessly surrendering feelings. Easily vulnerable, prefers to give than to take. Sees the advantages and disadvantages of both the partnership and the prospects of their relationship with him. Most fully expressed his feelings in the relationship, and he seeks to find the right, understanding his companion. He may be sincere and deeply committed partner. His need for sensual love means in the first place the body, and then the soul. Is good at adapting to changing circumstances.

If you respect him as a person, he feels sure, otherwise it changes the partner. Very attached to his mother, and his wife had to win a place for himself in his life. He does not like innovations, observes a number of conventions. Has heightened intuition. Home and family – most importantly for him. The big problem in the relationship is the increased resentment, sensitivity to criticism and condemnation of others. Can be pedantic, demanding of others. He needs to forgive others of their shortcomings, to appreciate more dignity. Better find a companion with similar professional interests of its terms to make it like his friends, but did not stand up for social status.

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These people tend to be very sexy. However, they in no way are everywhere love. Financial considerations play their important role in choosing a partner. If the spouses will not be sexual compatibility and mutual love – it will be a source of frustration and even a breakup. They should be more open to express their feelings and affection. Then they will be harder to attract partners who will actually love them for what they are, and not as what they seem.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 7

This woman has a strange appeal that fascinates and frightens her fans. She is intelligent, courteous, considerate, knows how to show the best of himself. Princess touchy in his youth, and dreams of a strong romantic feelings. Looking for a solid and respectable partner. Values ​​honesty and professionalism, prestige and social status. She needs support, but while maintaining personal independence.

Seeks to legal relations. Gap painful for her. The fear of losing the love of a strong hope of finding the ideal. Often underestimates the true intentions and the quality of the partner, it is a catalyst for the fears and complexes. It should rely on intuition and analysis of information about the chosen one.

Idealization of personal relationships can lead to that, choosing a partner, she committed the unpardonable blunder. She needs care and understanding, and the wish to dominate both physically and emotionally. Is not a leader by nature, it can play a major role in the family. She is ambitious and lives at such a pace that it is difficult to tie any serious relationship. It prefers to live an independent life and to rely only on themselves. If it will partner to make decisions and take the initiative to limit their control, you will find stable relationships and inner confidence, which always seeks.


Self-sufficiency and independence define such a man. Inner strength and a serious attitude to life and love makes it sound cold and unfeeling. Due to aging, it achieves most of its objectives. Intimacy stimulated his intellectual interests. To many it seems prudent and wiser in matters of love. Sometimes, he thinks only of himself, but a relationship may soften and be tender and passionate lover. His is the chivalrous idea of ​​love, the sublime and noble. When cohabitation he better have a private room, as it needs to be private.

Possibility of life in different cities, and meeting at a certain time, a pre-determined. He does not like surprises. For a woman who respects his enterprise and can support the self-absorbed, he is a loyal and committed partner. May have met his ideal, he did not dare to take a closer look. It is different sensitivity and tact in relation to the feelings of the partner. Mutual understanding is very important to him, maybe more than love. He is committed to the chosen path, and if the woman does not want to or can not go near him, he can not hesitate to part with it.


Maintain harmonious relations with these people is not easy, especially if they are people with opposite characters: a sensitive and sensible man, and less emotionally excitable woman or a man and a strong-willed woman, allowing her to take over himself up. Happy marriage with the people contribute to loyalty, duty, common interests and a responsible approach to raising children.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 8

Strong-willed and forceful, energetic woman. At heart is very vulnerable and in dire need of love and understanding. Sometimes hides behind the external restraint strong feelings and sexuality. She is a stranger to self-interest in romantic relationships, but in other cases it may show it to the full. She has “from love to hate – one step.” Unexpressed emotions destroy it. Often, she complicates the good relationship and ruin the life of his elect.

She needs an intellectual partner, with the same strength of character that is able to counter the ambitions of her own. Equal union and joint commitments will benefit not only them, but also others. It is useless to beg for love. Or the like and get their way, or does not like, allowing himself to love, but without claiming a right of ownership, freedom and faith. In regards to her not to be “climb into her soul,” blame infidelity, find fault, to persuade control his emotions. But one can appreciate her passion, sensitivity, and practicality and originality.


Independent, self-confident and self-sufficient man. He has a strong will, honesty, sincerity and perseverance. May be important, even arrogant, to suppress a partner, and can be humble and not to put their achievements on display. He always need an incentive to move forward. He does not like to be dependent, but to strive for complete control over the people. May be mild, reasonable, kind and loving, but can be tough, and even angry. His negative experience of emotion can be intimidating. Successful in business. The need for work and permanent employment may inhibit intimacy.

His interest intellectual and sensual woman who appreciates him and obey him in personal relationships. Courtship it uses the natural charm, is sometimes annoying persistence. Under the pressure of his energy is hard to resist. He himself needs admiration and love, as a reward for all their efforts and achievements. Carefully considering marriage, paying close attention to the financial viability of the future of the family because he is thrifty. Might actually be generous and understanding that the money – it is a tool realization of dreams and plans. Error in the choice of spouse would cost him more than anyone else. Since he is always busy affairs, it will not object to a spouse claimed everyday problems and gave him the comfort of home.


If these people enter into early marriage, their partners would need a huge exposure, for it is in this period they fully captured the work and are eager to achieve their goals. In this case, they can destroy a love relationship. So they fit the later marriages. By the time they all get better, and feelings will become more stable. In general, if the choice of partner is made correctly, these people are loyal, loving spouses, although they bring to the marriage of some features. In fact, many of them are willing to sacrifice for the sake of marriage, career, at any age.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 9

Strong-willed and forceful, energetic woman. At heart is very vulnerable and in dire need of love and understanding. Sometimes hides behind the external restraint strong feelings and sexuality. She is a stranger to self-interest in romantic relationships, but in other cases it may show it to the full. She has “from love to hate – one step.” Unexpressed emotions destroy it. Often, she complicates the good relationship and ruin the life of his elect.

She needs an intellectual partner, with the same strength of character that is able to counter the ambitions of her own. Equal union and joint commitments will benefit not only them, but also others. It is useless to beg for love. Or the like and get their way, or does not like, allowing himself to love, but without claiming a right of ownership, freedom and faith. In regards to her not to be “climb into her soul,” blame infidelity, find fault, to persuade control his emotions. But one can appreciate her passion, sensitivity, and practicality and originality.

Extraordinary, elusive woman, always full of interesting ideas, and is always in motion. Prefer to communicate with educated and intelligent people, creative people, whose interests lie in the fields of philosophy, art and culture. She likes his friend to walk together on the various exhibitions, participate in community, social or political life. She expects a sea of ​​flowers and gifts from fans. A candlelit dinner in a solemn ceremony at her intoxicating effect and leads to the creation of a strong alliance. In the relationship with the partner always strives to teach or demonstrate knowledge.

It needs a beauty, and she wants to be beautiful in every way. Monitor their appearance, but at home allows himself dressed horrible. It must be love without regard for convention. She hates proprietary instincts and greed in all its forms. She likes casual lifestyle and society of many friends. Always unpredictable. Tends to communicate with men, she is not really needed. It can dissolve in love to elect, to give myself completely to him, or did not know what is love, and love it was. Good long-term relationship it can arise with a partner who has low it makes her material comfort and a sense of freedom.


Is an intelligent, romantic, very erudite man. He is outgoing, outspoken, living with an open heart. The intellectual and spiritual communication becomes important in a relationship with him. He tends to have people to, which found its expression. Strictly adheres to their beliefs, ideological differences can become an insurmountable obstacle in the relationship. Love – it is something more going on in his head than the heart. Mind he tries to control his feelings and partner.

Demands much of his beloved. Carefully planning meetings, thinking all the details, and tries to apply the methods of seduction, which were used in the 18th century. Appreciates the respect and honesty to each other. Usually believes he is right and the high quality of their knowledge. Its main problem – the gap between reality and incontinence. He tends to avoid real intimacy in relationships. For him, it is important to maintain their freedom and the feeling that it belongs only to yourself. Believes that sex – is a physical extension of intellectual communication between the sexes. Love is most often found in travel. He is very sensitive, and can sacrifice their own needs for the sake of the partner. Relations with it can turn into a delightful novel, but he needs to learn to see his woman a real person.


These people are given full of love and eager to be loved. Longing to love them so high that they are ready for her to do anything, even humiliation. Attach great importance to attributes of romantic courtship. In this case, quickly lose interest in the object of his desire, if he (or she) long tempted. In many cases a marriage with these people successful, not least because it is highly sexual people. On the question of morality, they are taken seriously. At some stage, these people may want to reconsider marriage, even if the family is happy and there is love between the couple. They will want to know why they love each other. After that, they want to see evidence every day of love.

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The post Couples’ Numerological Relationship Compatibility Part 2 first appeared on Numerologyzz.

Couples’ Numerological Relationship Compatibility Part 1 Thu, 30 Mar 2023 06:09:00 +0000 Numerological relationship compatibility Woman and man – two different worlds, and to be together, they need more to comprehend each other and accept differences among themselves. Thanks tenderness, love and penetration into the world of each other, we can solve many problem situations. In real life, we enter into alliances, often facing away from what we dream. As far as we know yourself and your loved one? Compatibility analysis of qualities will help bring harmony in a relationship with another person. This will help us to study numerology. Of numerology, you will learn about the compatibility, even more than of psychology. Each of us from birth has energy vibrations. In romantic relationships the greatest impact on compatibility are not our actions, and that the vibration relationship. In numerology, to consider the compatibility of partners is most often used number destiny (life path number, the number of birth). Suppose you – woman with vibration numbers destiny 4, which wants to start a relationship with a man with the number of destiny 5. As a woman with the number of destiny 4, you attract sociable man, but deep down, you prefer peace and stability. The man with the vibration numbers of destiny […]

The post Couples’ Numerological Relationship Compatibility Part 1 first appeared on Numerologyzz.

Numerological relationship compatibility

Woman and man – two different worlds, and to be together, they need more to comprehend each other and accept differences among themselves. Thanks tenderness, love and penetration into the world of each other, we can solve many problem situations. In real life, we enter into alliances, often facing away from what we dream. As far as we know yourself and your loved one?

Compatibility analysis of qualities will help bring harmony in a relationship with another person. This will help us to study numerology. Of numerology, you will learn about the compatibility, even more than of psychology. Each of us from birth has energy vibrations. In romantic relationships the greatest impact on compatibility are not our actions, and that the vibration relationship. In numerology, to consider the compatibility of partners is most often used number destiny (life path number, the number of birth).

Suppose you – woman with vibration numbers destiny 4, which wants to start a relationship with a man with the number of destiny 5. As a woman with the number of destiny 4, you attract sociable man, but deep down, you prefer peace and stability. The man with the vibration numbers of destiny always eager for change, freedom and adventure. He needs to be admired, respected and approved. You will always feel that he is unstable, too drawn and do not pay enough attention to you … you will feel uncomfortable … it can contribute constant quarrels and misunderstandings. As a result, the harmony in the relationship will not work.

If you knew from the beginning his destiny number, you would understand that you have a much better chance to establish a pleasant relationship with a man with the number of destiny 6, always necessary, hardworking and reliable. Striving for a stable relationship. Loving and selflessly gave feelings.

Do not waste your time and energy to advance the doomed relationship! Calculate the number of their destiny and find out who you really are compatible.

Number of destiny (life path number, the number of the day of birth) is determined from the date of birth. Fold in the month of birth, date and year. Add up to one digit. For example: 17 October 1977 – 1 +7 +1 +0 +1 +9 +7 +7 = 33 = 3 +3 = 6

Consider the characteristics of men and women by their number of destiny.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 1

Self-confident and has a strong character, a woman chooses a man. She persisted in achieving goals. Tends to boss, but can not stand men who serve her every whim. She is stubborn and headstrong, but some men find pleasure in overcoming obstacles. Does not hide his emotions, but wants the game. She likes to be active, and it has no shortage of ideas on how to make personal life rich and diverse. Despite the pronounced leadership qualities, sometimes she feels lonely and wants care and affection. Intelligent communication for it is just as important as physical intimacy. She is impulsive, often makes rash acts. Trusts only himself and hopes only for himself. She needs to show more flexibility and leniency in dealing with men.


Such a man in a relationship is independent, vigorous and energetic. Makes women special interest because it is a type of active, purposeful, self-confident man. He is ambitious, bold, straightforward. On it you can rely on in difficult times. All prepared to do for the object of his passion. Can fall in love blindly, ignoring common sense. For him, the main thing – to express their strong feelings. It would be good to him to consider that his fiancee – it is also an independent person with your life and self-interest. He often ignores the advice of his partner, he is everything. Life’s fun, but hectic. He’s hot, but othodchiv. Loves attention to himself and praise. He likes to achieve, to conquer, to be generous. Can settle down, have children, but there will always be a slave to his own desires and impulses.


As for love and sex, these people in early adulthood formed many connections – they are often very difficult to focus on one partner. They are attracted by the opposite sex, serious about life. These people mostly sexual. Unfortunately, sex for them – a means to express their sexuality. Many of them do not understand that marriage or other partnership that involves the union of equals, and not just in bed, but beyond. They tend to be loving parents and are the head of household. They are especially concerned about the preservation of the family as a dynasty.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 2

This woman is sociable and charming, most fully revealed in a close relationship. The more trusting relationship, the more harmonious the sum of its life. It is vulnerable to other people’s feelings and emotions. Assertive with yourself not accept. Abhors asserted and conflicts. Able to blindly follow the thoughts and desires of the partner. An important place in her life are passions, dreams and intimate. It can invent a way of the perfect man and project it to each partner with whom to meet. Sense of mystery fiction and needed her love life. The transformation of her sexual fantasies into reality makes her an amazing woman. She happily accepts tokens, but can quickly change your mind and cancel the relationship. It is characterized by ambivalence: the depth and shallowness of feeling, constancy and fickleness. Its inconsistency, and sometimes neurotic behavior complicate the relationship with the partner. The warmth of her soul, many men will be happy. It often turns out a good wife and hostess. Expensive gifts and comfort her more interesting than intelligent conversation.

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This man loves society and communication, has the immediacy and trust. His heart is open to other people’s feelings, and the mind set on the perception of the surrounding world. He, like a sponge, absorbing other people’s problems. Appreciate the beauty and femininity, easily lends itself to the charm of the exterior. Lives feelings and often falls in love. He adapts well to changing events. When the reality of relations bothers him, he withdraws into himself. Can be charming and seductive, persuasive and eloquent. Able to be a caring, loyal, but can be overbearing, demanding, stubborn, jealous. Important in a relationship with him – not to rush things. He fits a woman who shares his taste and is always close, inspires him, shared with him all the concerns and interests. Emotional attachment is for him the main role in the relationship. Comfort and stability are most appreciated. A loving and devoted partner, but too predictable and therefore boring.


For these people the way home is very important, so their partner should have common sense. Sexual passion can take a back seat, giving way to genuine respect and love. Moreover, because of its lack of a married life no less happy in the long run. This is a very loyal nature, and instead demand absolute loyalty. As long as they feel that they are loved, they are needed – everything is fine, but is painted over the doubts, they immediately begin to be jealous, and may resort to violent retaliation in their efforts to keep the family together.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 3

Interesting to women, do not get bored with it, with very sensible. Captivates men with her charm and independent behavior. It attracted the mobility and intelligence. She is sincere and sensual, self-confident to narcissism. Full of optimism, hopes and desires. She needs to feel free and be the center of attention. Only then it can arise with the partner firm and harmonious relationship in which she needs. Intuitively knows what he wants and usually gets it. Values ​​friendship and loyalty, sex for her – this is a game and entertainment. First of all, strive to meet their own needs. It towards the future, does not tolerate mention of the old relationship. Since it is necessary to communicate with care. She needed a romantic adventure and intellectual communication. Her feelings are volatile, she gets tired of deep relationships. Even being in love, can flirt with other men. Impulsive, and is not afraid to part with their partner. Long stays young. Partner can be happy with her because she wants to be happy. Her


Sociable, active man, is popular and can have multiple connections simultaneously. Always ready for fun, adventure, risk-taking ventures and soul of any company, but it is often not taken seriously. His is the inspiration and aspiration for the future. He can not stand boredom and possessive attitude. He needs to feel at ease and relaxed. At the first meeting aims to make the best impression. In women it more appealing charm than good looks. Often chooses a woman, based on first impressions, and later realizes that this is not ideal. He enjoys the process of relationship more than the result. When he is in love, it is focused on the subject of his passion. Immersed in dreams and visions. For him, the most important spiritual intimacy, intellectual communication, alignment of interests. Brooks no restraint. Comfort and tranquility to be driven. Prone to irresponsibility. He will approach the same sociable woman. Perhaps his fiancee will be independent and attractive appearance. Should listen to your partner, to take into account their tastes and desires.


Such people are often attracted to charming the opposite sex. They have a huge opportunity to attract people to the exciting sexual aura. But for a stable family requires much more than just a charm. Therefore, they must rely on the knowledge of human nature. In his youth, many harbor illusions about marriage. They think that everything will automatically change for the better, but after the first few months of romance can come disappointment. The only guarantee is the strength of the marriage partners shared interests, as well as joint participation in social activities. At the same love and respect increase.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 4

Realistic, practical, guided in all common sense. As a partner she is looking for a reliable companion, paying particular attention to his financial security. Attached to home and family. For happiness, it needs stability and peace of mind. Cost is the family budget. But sometimes it can not spare money on fashion hairdresser, expensive cosmetics. Shows the character moods, frustration, quarrels over trifles. She is afraid to show his possessive instinct, moreover, she is very jealous. Emotionally, it is very hard, and has a tendency to manipulate the partner, as in sex, and in other areas. She needs to choose such a man, who would have had a lot of potential energy, and would put high goals. Otherwise, it expects disappointment and resentment, and a man – a complete moral collapse. But if her husband gets what is needed, then it will do in its interest. She herself is not inclined to start a connection on the side, but instinctively react to men attract her attention. May quarrel with his parents and colleagues, just to keep it to yourself. Her care rate sensitive man, probably older. It can become a faithful companion of a creative person. She needs to partner reassert their affection for her.


This man prefers the clarity and reliability of the relationship. Looking for a woman, with whom relations are built on a long-term basis. It is his mission to keep the traditions and customs of the family, it is linked to the family and relatives. Concerned with material support of his life and he wants the same practical wife. He is always ready to sacrifice their time and interests to a friend. Physical appearance is not his main criterion. Choose a wife carefully and cautiously. It must be noted that sometimes they “marry money”, wanting to bring the achievement of their goals. Marriage in this case can be either happy or not happy. Not prone to love affairs and do not want to change their arranged and regulated life. He does not make reckless spending on flowers, chocolates, dinner at a restaurant. For the sake of peace and stability, a man is ready to sacrifice a lot, including a loved one. He finds it difficult to make contact with a woman who likes the ease in intimate relationships. It has the tenacity and perseverance. It suits the allocation of responsibilities in the home and business. Cares about the prestige. In the house he needs comfort and attention. He may be sincere and deeply committed partner.


Despite the fact that they are very closed people, almost all of them require an ordinary family and normal sex. They are more honored “family values.” So reliable and dedicated people are considered a good match. They have great sex appeal. Rarely romantic. Flirting and sex as they are usually not interested. All that matters is love, to which they are almost always taken very seriously, considering the main purpose of marriage. They go at it when their feelings are strong.

Numerological compatibility: destiny number 5

This woman is very attractive, artistic, charming. Weakness for flattery, be selfish, prone to flirt. She is very sensitive and keenly perceive their environment. She needs to be admired, respected, approved. She ostentatious demeanor. Before its displays of tenderness and love irresistible. It is as sensual and emotional. She likes the open relationship that others have seen the beauty and dignity of her lover. She is involved with people who have a certain life experience and good intelligence. She makes a decision and goes its own way. You should not hurt her feelings or try to control her habits. This woman wants to participate in various events in the evening, take in the house many guests to be a member of societies and clubs. She brings a bright outlook on life, a fresh wind of freedom. Her partner will never know what she really thinks and what to do in the next moment. In a loving relationship, it skillfully. Takes care of those he loves. Well, if there is a pragmatic partner, receiving and restraining this overflowing vitality.


Confident, charming, independent man, does not like to ask for and to retreat. His sexuality involves all five senses, especially touch sensitivity stvo. He enjoys the moment. Prefers peace and calm, and not the drama or excitement aspiration. In love, he wants to see tangible results of their efforts. He likes to be the leader in the relationship, when he was fed by love and respect. Lack of self-criticism, laziness – its negative side. He needs a sociable woman, with whom relations are open in nature, which can discuss almost all issues. In women it attracts looks and intelligence, and spiritual world. It should look good in the eyes of friends. Well, if a woman takes it, or share a passion for travel and adventure. Pleasure and freedom of actions are perhaps the main purpose of his life. A woman who shows him his love, says of her, treats its delicious food, cares for his vanity, comfort suits him, he will give a sensual tenderness and gentle attention. He will fulfill her every need with thoroughness and skill. It has its own romance and generosity.


In search of a sexual partner, these people usually show reckless courage and can bring a lot of novels, before deciding on the final step. They like to experiment in this area for a long time took the fence. Successful or unsuccessful to their marriage or intimate relationship depends on the extent to which partners understand each other and ready to fill the spiritual content of their love affair. They are usually confused by the outward manifestation of the senses. Words play for them more important than affection, kissing, and sometimes the sex itself. But over the years they realize that for the harmony words alone are not enough.

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How Numerology Helps In Your Career And Business And Career Sat, 25 Mar 2023 07:12:00 +0000 Numerology in Business and Career Numerology and the WorkplaceWork is an important component of our lives. It allows us to discover our individuality and demonstrate our physical and spiritual capabilities. To correctly choose and work with excitement, the work should be gratifying rather than irritating and routine. Admission to school without a calling to a career and just to follow the fashion or advice of friends and acquaintances often leads to an error that can affect a person’s life for the worse. As a result, it is preferable to seek assistance from astrology or numerology. Experts think that such forecasts are approximately 80% accurate. However, while astrology necessitates extensive knowledge, the use of spreadsheets for calculations, as well as the date, time, and place of birth of the person. For numerological calculations, you need a pen, paper, calculator, and date of birth. Numerology is simple and accessible to everyone. It considers only the behavioral aspects of the human person. It developed a language that belongs to the discussion of personal qualities. As we have learned to read the letters, you can learn how to read the numbers. Numerology is now widely known as the most effective method of knowledge of […]

The post How Numerology Helps In Your Career And Business And Career first appeared on Numerologyzz.

Numerology in Business and Career

Numerology and the Workplace
Work is an important component of our lives. It allows us to discover our individuality and demonstrate our physical and spiritual capabilities. To correctly choose and work with excitement, the work should be gratifying rather than irritating and routine.

Admission to school without a calling to a career and just to follow the fashion or advice of friends and acquaintances often leads to an error that can affect a person’s life for the worse. As a result, it is preferable to seek assistance from astrology or numerology. Experts think that such forecasts are approximately 80% accurate. However, while astrology necessitates extensive knowledge, the use of spreadsheets for calculations, as well as

the date, time, and place of birth of the person. For numerological calculations, you need a pen, paper, calculator, and date of birth.

Numerology is simple and accessible to everyone. It considers only the behavioral aspects of the human person. It developed a language that belongs to the discussion of personal qualities. As we have learned to read the letters, you can learn how to read the numbers. Numerology is now widely known as the most effective method of knowledge of oneself and others.

Each person is affected by a few basic numbers: life path, destiny, soul, personality, and maturity. To select a profession, we need to consider only the impact of life’s journey, including dates of birth.

The number of life’s journeys is something with which you have been implemented and what you should do. It shows what your nature is, and what skills you have to realize in this world. Destiny is determined by the date of birth. Add up the number of birth months, days, and years. Roll up to a single number.

For example, January 27, 1989:
2 +7 +0 +1 +1 +9 +8 +9 = 37 = 3 +7 = 10 = 1 +0 = 1

Consider the business acumen in relation to the number of human life courses:

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Number 1 and career

His work expresses his personality. Pioneer and experimenter. Dynamic has business acumen and values ​​time. Think and act clearly. Independent in estimates and changes them. It can catch fire and ignite any other matter. Dedicated to the cause, it wholeheartedly supports its employees. For him, it is important to feel the importance of the case; he strives for success and recognition. He will suit an active, lively, varied work that shows the result, where you can show determination and responsibility and introduce new ideas and a new approach. Work with communication, travel, social and spiritual work, law, and any work associated with the idea.

Not suitable for monotonous and boring jobs where he will not make their own decisions, experiment, and work with people, where you have to take care of others and have patience.

Number 2 and business

Serious and thoughtful about the work, giving all to the cause. Team player. Slow, but responsibly. He does everything quietly and systematically, delving into all the details of the work. Has insight and intuition, sees many of the details, and the details are not visible to others. It is reliable and never lets you down. His ability is best expressed in the work of the people.

It works well with the real thing, and you can see the result of his work; he likes to make things durable and of good quality. The approach of the social and the service sector, where there is interaction with people. A not suitable job that requires speed, reaction time, where working conditions are constantly changing, where you have to be tough with people, when necessary,ary pioneers and experimenters, administrative work.

Number 3 and business

Business imagination multilateral interests, energy, intelligence, and optimism it apart. Able to generate a huge number of constructive ideas. He has great enthusiasm and an innate ability to find success, including financial.

He likes intelligent and interesting work that can be done in a short period of time, preferably containing every time something new. Suit any business that requires ingenuity, mental stress, management, travel, work with a computer, in the media, as well as a case where there is a rapid turnover of Finance. Not suitable work monotonous, repetitive, and accountable for others.

The number 4 and career

It conveys the seriousness, patience, and awareness. Prefer a stable and reliable business. Takes responsibility morally and financially. Is for other support and protection. Strives for order and planning. Draws attention to the smallest details. New projects and businesses begin only after careful preparation.

Suitable production of something tangible—industry construction, agriculture, commerce, as well as work related to protection and control. Does not fit the job at which you need to make quick decisions in a frequently changing environment, short-term and emotionally unstable. He was not good at short, doubtful, adventurous activities, rather lengthy projects.

Number 5 and career

Performs well in all that require organizational skills and ability to communicate with people. Adheres to the laws and established procedures. Prefers work that is associated with a variety of demands quick decision making, gives the opportunity to follow the general course of affairs of the enterprise. He needs a mobile activity and free routines.

Suitable job where you can express yourself, and your organizational skills: administrator, manager, manager, entrepreneur, director, teacher, social worker, etc. Not afraid to change the scope of work. Not suitable for large organizations, if no prospects of promotion, avoiding all, where the final product or imperceptible, or does not cause him inspiration. Constant and monotonous work he quickly bored.

Number 6 and business

Organized, flexible, intelligent, and reliable worker. And the collective interests of the case – the main thing for him. A hard worker. It performs well in work that requires diligence, talking to people, and understanding other people’s problems. It attracts a comfortable and pleasant place to work. Prefer to work in a team.

Any activity that requires practical implementation of specific tasks. Work connected with educational institutions, community organizations, and medicine. An activity where you can take care of others, as well as associated with the introduction of a life of harmony and beauty. Not suitable work, which requires rapid, decisive action, administration, business people as well as large-scale operations.

Number 7 and business

Self-confident, patient, balanced, intuitive, and has an extraordinary analytical mind. He constantly seeks new knowledge. Financial success comes as a result of painstaking, professional, and personal work. The ability to focus, the ability to analyze, and insight contribute to its progress and prosperity.

Without effort can become an expert in many fields. Fits any work related to the spread of knowledge and science, jurisprudence, law, control, finances: consultant, diplomat, manager. Increased interest in the psychology of human relationships. Work-related to the skill of creating beauty and harmony: the designer, stylist, hairdresser, art dealing, etc. Avoid working in a big team, with a very rapid pace.

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Number 8 and business

Dynamic and responsible. His common sense, courage, decision-making, and firm principles are the best suited for large projects and the implementation of further goals. It has the ability to inspire people and unite them for the job. Success comes only with the cooperation and help others. Financial success is inherent in it more than others.

Everything connected with responsibility, analysis, resolution of complex problems, leadership, and finances. The manager has talent in all activities, especially in business and financial operations. Understands the material world, and intuitively knows how to make this or that financial project. The desire to make money and position his only priorities, excluding spiritual values, will inevitably lead to loss, which is usually the major life change: bankruptcy, or financial failure. However, it has the ability to overcome such situations better than others.

Number 9 and business

It has a wide range of interests, rich insight, creative imagination, and a sense of beauty and harmony. It is better to see the case as a whole, the prospects for development than the details. His interests are truly comprehensive, and it is all possible. Prefers to work independently and on own initiative. His attitude to work is determined by his interest in it.

He is interested in any job where there is an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, and knowledge, where you can share knowledge, to use them for the benefit of others. Work with communication, travel, travel, social and spiritual work, law, and any work associated with the idea. Prefers to work with a free order of the day. Not a suitable job that requires care and attention to detail, monotony, and repetition, where we have to adhere to strict rules, where the final product – the subject, not the idea, does not encourage independence.

Blue Smith recommends: “Stay that to which you are inclined by nature, do not leave the road, which indicates your desire. Whether those for which you created by nature, and you are good you will go forth, and be something different, and you will be a thousand times more insignificant than zero”.

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Know The Importance Of Number 6 And 4 In Numerology Wed, 01 Mar 2023 10:28:13 +0000 Symbolism of the Number 6 (hexad) The esoteric meaning of the six is ​​that it was considered a “number of Creation” (“God in six days created the world”), the symbol of the divine cosmic equilibrium and symmetry of opposites expresses the unity of polarities, the choice of divergent paths. In his divine aspect six stands as a symbol of the law of analogies, expressed in geometric terms: “Down like the top, and the upper like the lower.” Mobius points to far-reaching consequences that arise in the application of this principle: “By organizing our body we can tell about the organization of the solar system, according to Turner theosophical – Turner on parts of the body, etc.” In the six aspects of the natural environment represents, in which evolutionary and involutionary flow of energy or connected or disconnected. These streams are and the dilution («Solve»), and thickening («Coagulo») material in nature. In the aspect of human nature Six symbolizes the principle of free will, spiritual harmony and recognition of good and evil. Six is ​​a graphical representation of a six-pointed star – a hexagram, also known as the Star of David, Solomon’s seal, the symbol of the Androgyne, the sign of […]

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Symbolism of the Number 6 (hexad)

The esoteric meaning of the six is ​​that it was considered a “number of Creation” (“God in six days created the world”), the symbol of the divine cosmic equilibrium and symmetry of opposites expresses the unity of polarities, the choice of divergent paths. In his divine aspect six stands as a symbol of the law of analogies, expressed in geometric terms: “Down like the top, and the upper like the lower.” Mobius points to far-reaching consequences that arise in the application of this principle: “By organizing our body we can tell about the organization of the solar system, according to Turner theosophical – Turner on parts of the body, etc.” In the six aspects of the natural environment represents, in which evolutionary and involutionary flow of energy or connected or disconnected. These streams are and the dilution («Solve»), and thickening («Coagulo») material in nature. In the aspect of human nature Six symbolizes the principle of free will, spiritual harmony and recognition of good and evil.

Six is ​​a graphical representation of a six-pointed star – a hexagram, also known as the Star of David, Solomon’s seal, the symbol of the Androgyne, the sign of Vishnu. It consists of two interpenetrating and mirror each other triangles.

Attributes and essence of number Six

Six well expresses the essence of the cosmic law of the unity and struggle of opposites, harmony, and the polarity of male and female. Manly Hall says that this number is “called by the Pythagoreans the perfection of all the parts … the form of forms, articulation of the universe and a doer of the soul.” He writes:

“Track and soul harmony considered as similar in nature, because all souls are harmonic. Hexad is also the symbol of marriage, because it forms the union of two triangles, one female and the other male. Among the key words related to the hexad, the words: “time”, as it is the measurement of duration, a “panacea”, because health is equilibrium, and the hexad is the equilibrium number, “peace”, because the world is like a hexad, often seen consisting of harmonized contradictions “all-sufficient” because it is often enough to universality (3 +2 +1 = 6), “tireless”, because it contains the elements of immortality. ”

In the East, six usually as a universal symbol of space, “Space Cross Buddhi” accommodates four quarters and two lateral branches – plus Zenit (top) and nadir (downward).

Blavatsky pointed to the mystical connection that exists between the six and the swastika – a symbol, present in different cultures and traditions:
“Not only the world of characters that are so full of true occult value as the Swastika. It is symbolized by the number 6. Like this figure, in my particular view, it shows, as well as ideographs and numbers on the Zenith and Nadir, on the North, South, East and West, and the unit is found throughout this unit is reflected in each and every unit. This is the emblem of the Fohat, constant rotation of the “wheel” and the Four Elements, “Sacred Four” in their mystical, and not just in one of their cosmic significance, then its four arms bent at right angles, are closely related, as shown in another place, with weights of Pythagoras and Hermes. On the mysteries of the values ​​of the Swastika, said comments, “can engrave on it, with mathematical precision, the evolution of the cosmos and the whole period of Sandhya.”

Interesting interpretation of the meaning of six, embodied in the symbol of the six-pointed star gives a modern scholar problems A.Olgin numbers: “… ascending triangle – a triangle of Jesus – symbolizes evolutionary process of our redemption. In this case, the descending triangle – a triangle of Mary – an element of the process of involution of the Incarnation. Stauros pokkzdaaet the Atonement – the purpose, and the Incarnation – the means. ”

H.E.Kerlot gives a slightly different view of nature and its six attributes:
“SIX, symbolizes the ambivalence and balance, contains the union of two triangles (fire and water), and thus means the human soul. The ancient Greeks regarded it as a symbol of the hermaphrodite. It corresponds to the six directions of space (two for each dimension), and cessation of movement (because for the Creation took six days). Hence it is associated with the test and the effort. It was also revealed his attitude toward virginity and weights. ”

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Number 6 also serves as an illustration of the law of analogy, the formula of which is the famous thesis of Hermes Trismegistus: “As above, so below.” It is a vivid reflection of the principle of similarity lower higher and vice versa. Embedded into each other two triangles symbolize the principle of cosmic unity. It is for this reason that the number 6 Pythagoras connected with the planet Venus. Ragon wrote on this subject: “The combination of the two sexes and the division of matter in the trinity of development required to generative power, this fertile properties, and the desire for reproduction, innate in all bodies.

Italian mystic Malfati de Monteredzhio wrote about the nature of the six:
“Number six, as is the second Turner (Vishnu – time), contains a number of five, with all its symbolic meanings, as six, as a closed five are closed ellipse. Since six consists of two or three times, twice three, then it is not only completely irrespective ideal and whatever reality as such, as the spirit of the world, a prisoner in the egg of the world, in a sense, as the ancients understood, but also the idea of ​​the development of itself, the idea of ​​sex, to the third power of two – eight, and this is the third floor of the Turner expressed infinite personality. ”

About six sacred meaning expressed many occult and esoteric – Fabre d’Olivet, a detailed analysis of the meaning of the sixth Sephira, and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, St. Maarten, and finally Jacob Boehme:

“Sixth is an expression of the will of the sound, making it understandable, as the Word, at the same time it has its origin in two fiery center … In this sixth as are sacred names, the divine forces acting unity, they are simultaneously in two fire centers.

It is particularly miraculous Tetragrammaton – the center of world acts of God, which operate in both the focus and the wicked spirits that abuse, distorting them in the Center of the Natural Fire. This name combines the foundation of all the Kabbalah and the entire Magic.

Sixth form or quality of natural science or Desire is the word – the divine language, sound or voice Forces, from which proceeds the Holy Spirit, in the midst of power.

The Book of the Number Four’s Symbolism
The four have an esoteric meaning that conveys the idea of divine creation by providing a prototype and the initial act of creation. The Tetragrammaton, also known as “Iodine”, “Heh”, “Bay,” and “Xe,” is a symbol of the Unknown Name of God and is present in all four of his divine aspects. Iodine is the symbol of the self-sufficient Being, He, according to Shmakov’s transcription of each letter of the holy name of God. The One Being is the Inner Self, and the exterior material is self-awareness. Bay is a creation of Yoda and Xe, Total Androgen, and Self Divine in His divine essence. The number of space elements, which comprise the universe’s generative energy, are represented by the quartet in the natural aspect (Earth,

Water, Air and Fire), four seasons. In the aspect of human nature, the four symbolizes the four lower body (physical, etheric, astral, mental), four types of temperaments (choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic), four periods of life (childhood, youth, maturity, old age).

Graphical representation of the four is a pyramid, which is three-dimensional figures and the symbol of the Divine Fire. This shape is formed by four triangular faces. Four other image is the cross – a symbol of cosmic balance and the intersection of mind and matter.

Attributes and essence of the number four

The essence of the Quartet and its purpose – to be a static display of perfect integrity and sustainable structure of the universe – determined its attributes and properties. Manly Hall gives the following description of the quadruple from the position of the Pythagorean symbolism Tetrad 4, considered by the Pythagoreans as the original, all the previous number, the root of all things, the source of nature and the most perfect of numbers. All tetradyintellektualny, of which there is order, they encircle the world as empirical, and go through it. ”

According to the words of God is the Pythagorean number of numbers because the decade, or 10, including 1, 2, 3 and 4, that is because it is a symbol of the four of the first four numbers. Tetrad connects them all Luggages, numbers, elements, temporary structure, manifesting as recurrent cycles. VN Toporov indicates that the four are always present in all the myths about the creation of the universe: “The four points of the compass, four main directions, the four gods or chetyrehipostasnye gods (see, for example, four Thunder in Lithuanian folklore or gods – held four cardinal ), 4 seasons, the century (cf. the Vedic description of 4 times and at the same time the terms of the dice), 4 elements (sometimes they relate to the four mythological figures). , The component is updated in the geometric shapes that have the most mythical and poetical value – square mandala cross. ”

Pythagoreans associated with the essence of the four as a living manifestation of God such properties as “rapid”, “force”, “courage”, “holder of the key to Nature” and called it the “harmony” and “first depth.”

Succinct description of the quadruple gives X. E. Kerlot “Four is a symbol of the earth, terrestrial space, the human situation, external natural limits” minimal “understanding of the totality and, ultimately, good organization. This number is equal to the square and the cube, and represents a cross representing the four seasons and the four directions. According to the principle of Quaternary simulate a large number of material and spiritual forms. This number is associated with material achievements and the elements. In the mystical tradition, it means tetramorfnost. ”

Kabbalistic tradition associated with the four properties such as stability and charity which, in turn, is considered as derivatives of wisdom. Four harmoniously unites such opposites and poles, as spirit and matter, motion and rest, and embodies the principles of universal order, integrity, symmetry, perfect balance, internal and external correspondence, completeness and strength.

Interesting psychoanalytic interpretation of the meaning of the number four and more – the quaternary structure of the universe has made CG Jung:

“Quaternity be understood as a universal archetype. It is a logical prerequisite of all holistic judgment. For such a judgment, you must have four dimensions. For example, if you want to describe the horizon as an entity, you call the four corners of the world … The four elements we find everywhere the four primary properties of matter, four colors, four castes in India, four paths of spiritual perfection in Buddhism. Similarly, there are four aspects of psychological orientation, and it is their property (in fact, the number of) the most fundamental of what we can say about them. For self-determination, we need a function that states that there is something (feeling) in the other, which establishes what is this thing (thinking) in the third, which shows us that something fits or not, whether we accept it ( sense), and, finally, in the fourth determining the source of something and its direction (intuition). And that’s all we can say about it … Ideally, an end – it is a circle, sphere, and its minimal natural division – a quarter.

Quaternity or kvarterion often has 3 +1 structure, in which one element is unique and has a distinct, with the rest of nature (animals symbolize the three evangelists, and the fourth – the angel). It is the “fourth”, complementing the other three, making them something of a “single”, symbolizing the universe. Often in analytical psychology inferior function (ie, a function that is not under the control of consciousness) is the “fourth”, and its integration into the consciousness of one of the main objectives of the process of individualization.”

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Learn The Uniqueness Of Number 5 In Terms Of Numerology Tue, 28 Feb 2023 10:35:19 +0000 The meaning of the pentad (number 5)The image of the “perfect man” with a strong will, who can position himself in the middle of the cross of the elements and control them, is expressed by the number five, according to esoteric interpretations of the number. The Monad, a customised component of the whole, is a symbol of the spark of the Absolute in his divine form of the five. According to Shmakova, “each individual monad – a ray emanated Deity is a certain aspect of the Godhead and the universe.” The cosmic sphere with the four elements and the four corners of the planet, managed by a single top tier with Spirit at the centre, is what the five natural aspects of the universe mean. Otherwise put, the manifestation of the five in the realm of nature may be referred to as a process of spiritualization of nature or the cosmos. In the aspect of human nature symbolizes the five closed and infinite microcosm Insider Hierophant Magician at the center of the four elements and control both external and internal natural forces. Five is a graphical representation of a pentagram – a five-pointed star, serving either forward or in reverse, […]

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The meaning of the pentad (number 5)
The image of the “perfect man” with a strong will, who can position himself in the middle of the cross of the elements and control them, is expressed by the number five, according to esoteric interpretations of the number. The Monad, a customised component of the whole, is a symbol of the spark of the Absolute in his divine form of the five. According to Shmakova, “each individual monad – a ray emanated Deity is a certain aspect of the Godhead and the universe.” The cosmic sphere with the four elements and the four corners of the planet, managed by a single top tier with Spirit at the centre, is what the five natural aspects of the universe mean. Otherwise put,

the manifestation of the five in the realm of nature may be referred to as a process of spiritualization of nature or the cosmos. In the aspect of human nature symbolizes the five closed and infinite microcosm Insider Hierophant Magician at the center of the four elements and control both external and internal natural forces.

Five is a graphical representation of a pentagram – a five-pointed star, serving either forward or in reverse, that is upside down. Schools and various secret orders fit into the pentagram figure of a man or a goat. If the pentagram straight, then head placed in the highest point, and placed his hands and feet – in other corners of the figure. If the pentagram is reversed, or inverted, then the figure, which are entered into her dark orders and schools, is the figure of a goat, who represents the devil, the father of lies, the bearer of evil. Both direct and inverse pentagram used in occult practices: direct pentagram – in white traditions and orders for protection against evil forces, shocks, curses envoltatsy inverse pentagram – in black boxes and centers for strikes, inducing destructive forces, weaken, or even the death of the enemy. It was believed that the fifth Sephira Sephiroth Tree – Geburah, serving as the basis of the inverted pentagram, participated in the practice of so-called “revival of the left hand” (K. Agrippa), then mage ability to instill fear and paralyze the will of the living beings.

Attributes and essence of the five

Essence marks, and its purpose is derived from its origin, which is considered sacred esoteric teachings and connect with the union even and odd numbers (3 +2), that is, with the sacred cosmic marriage of heaven and earth. Individualized beginning, divine spark, a microcosm in nature are always on the lookout for, stress and improvement. Home symbolized five, seeks to break out of prison grubomaterialnoy incarnated existence of freedom and power over the elements and forms of this world.

Manly Hall gives the following description of the characteristics of the pentad:

“The Greeks pentagram was a sacred symbol of light, health and vitality. It also symbolizes the fifth element, ether, because it is free from the influence of the lower four elements. It is called equilibrium, because he shared the perfect number 10 into two equal parts.

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Pentad is symbolic of Nature, because, being multiplied by itself, it comes back to him, just as the wheat produced in the form of seed, pass through a natural process and reproduce seeds of wheat in the form of the final form of its own growth. Other numbers, when multiplied on themselves, give the other numbers, but only 5 and 6 returned with its original number as the last digit in the product. ”

Five, as a symbol of dominion over the natural forces of the Spirit, has always expressed the idea of ​​man’s struggle with his lowest, death, nature, to reach a state of immortality. The fifth element – Spirit or Higher Will – like a sword strikes lower matter of the soul because of alchemy, according to Gustov Merinka, this practice was called “remelting corpse into a sword.” This writes and Manly Hall: “For philosophers were used to hide the element of earth under the symbol of the dragon, and many of the heroes was instructed to go and slay the dragon. Then they pulled out his sword (the monad) and stabbed him in the body of the dragon (Book). This completes the formation of the pentad, a symbol of the victory of the spiritual nature of the material. ”

Five essence becomes clear when considering the numbers of those who in various combinations are the number 5. Since 1 +4 is already considered a symbol of triumph over mind over matter. Cherished biblical tradition all forms of matter, including the subtle substance of the soul in its heavenly state, identified with the number of 4 – hence the symbol of the four rivers flowing to the Garden of Eden, a movement which was dominated by the cherub Ezekiel, the ability to rotate the four elements like a wheel. In the case before us the code! 4 +1 = 5, then defeated the Spirit of the action of natural forces.

If we present the top five as a result of the addition of three and two, then it could be a perfect or tending to the perfection of man. If 5 = 2 +3, then this combination represents a black magician, that is what this case says Blavatsky: “The number five was made up of Dvoyachnosti and the Trinity, and of them is made Dvoyachnost disorder and confusion in all that was the perfect form” . “The Secret Doctrine” has a deep mystical sense generalized characteristic five, in which different traditions have seen different aspects: a five-member rights, the principle of individual self-identity Manas, the “quintessence of the world, the vital fluid or life” (Ragon, Agrippa, Moebius)

“It symbolizes the spirit of eternal life at the same time and the spirit of life and human love – in human complex, and it involves the divine and infernal magic, and the global and individual quintessence of life. Thus, the five mystical words or vowels uttered by Brahma “creation”, which later became Pantadasha (some Vedic hymns attributed it to God), are in the creative and magical potentiality of a white part of the five black Tantric Ma-kara, or five M. Makar, the constellation is like a pointless and ridiculous word, however, even apart from his anagrammatically values ​​in conjunction with the term Kumar, the numerical value of its first syllable and its esoteric resolution number five is of considerable importance in the occult and mysteries of nature. ” (Constellation Ma-car contains the key to the correct interpretation of his name as “ma” is 5, “penalty” – a hand with five fingers, that is, the Pentagon or the five-pointed star.)

H.E.Kerlot number 5 gives a similar response:

“Five symbolizes human health and love, as well as the quintessence of acting on matter. This number includes four extremity of the body, plus the head that controls them, and the four corners of the world together with the center (7). Hieros gamos (sacred marriage) is the number five, because it was a union of the principle of the sky (three) with the principle of the Great Mother (two). Geometrically five is the pentagram or five-pointed star. It corresponds to a pentagonal symmetry, the general characteristics of organic nature, the golden section (as seen by the Pythagoreans) and the five senses, represent the five “forms” of matter. ”

Five, were also engaged in a prominent place in the biblical symbolism, individualizes the principle of movement, searching, dynamic balance, activity.

Full description of the principle of the fivefold underlying number five gives Kerlot:

“Traditionally, the number five represents the fall of man, but, being attached to the worldly order of things, it means health and love. Esoteric doctrine sees it not as a consequence, and as the cause of the presence of the five limbs on the hands and feet of man.

The connection of the number five with the human body, inherent in the Romanesque period, spread all over the world, from England to the Far East. Agrippa Nettesleymsky described the image of a man with outstretched arms and legs, the appropriate pentagram. Including five based on a lot of charms and amulets – not only in relation to the human body, health (or physical integrity), and love, but also because it represents the fivefold the material world (expressed fourfold) plus center or fifth (highest) essence: In Morocco, for example, to protect themselves from the evil eye, repeat the phrase – “anchovy fi Aynek” (“five in your eye”). Some Islamic rituals and concepts formed with the fivefold: There are five religious duties, the five keys to secret knowledge, the five main prayers and five times repeated sacred oath. The Chinese five is the most important numbers. Fivefold as a whole represents a natural rhythm of life, cosmic world order. By fivefold “models” were formed (among others) the following groups: five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn), five natural forms (metal, plants, water, fire, earth), five colors (white, black, blue , red, yellow), five musical tones (bronze, stone, silk, wood and clay), five major landscapes (mountains, forests, rivers and lakes, hills and fields, springs and wetlands).”

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Specialty Of Numbers 1, 2, And 3 In Terms Of Numerology Wed, 15 Feb 2023 10:43:25 +0000 The meaning of the number three (the triad) The triple is the first perfect odd number (for the unit, as it has been stated, do not count), and its esoteric meaning is that it represents the beginning of the synthesis, brings together and resolves the conflict between the two extremes, especially between one and two. Trio, in his divine aspect, embodies the concept of Genesis’ Self substantiality in all of its varied qualities and attributes, that is, Genesis liberated from its homogeneous state to the infinite variety of possibilities. The Great Architect, who created the homogenous substance First Matter (2) and the cosmic manifestation (4), is the embodiment of such self-awareness. The triple meaning of the term “Shmakov” is “kinetic activity” in its natural (outer) form. First Matter, End synthesis, where everything is perfect, complete, and once ordained,” is Turner and archetype, the ability to create, painting on the cosmic mirror a sketch of the Great Mother of the universe . In other words, in the natural aspect of the triple symbolizes the threefold nature of the world, consisting of Heaven, Earth and Man. The human aspect of the triple means triple structure of homo sapiens, whose inner nature can […]

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The meaning of the number three (the triad)

The triple is the first perfect odd number (for the unit, as it has been stated, do not count), and its esoteric meaning is that it represents the beginning of the synthesis, brings together and resolves the conflict between the two extremes, especially between one and two. Trio, in his divine aspect, embodies the concept of Genesis’ Self substantiality in all of its varied qualities and attributes, that is, Genesis liberated from its homogeneous state to the infinite variety of possibilities.

The Great Architect, who created the homogenous substance First Matter (2) and the cosmic manifestation (4), is the embodiment of such self-awareness. The triple meaning of the term “Shmakov” is “kinetic activity” in its natural (outer) form.

First Matter, End synthesis, where everything is perfect, complete, and once ordained,” is Turner and archetype, the ability to create, painting on the cosmic mirror a sketch of the Great Mother of the universe . In other words, in the natural aspect of the triple symbolizes the threefold nature of the world, consisting of Heaven, Earth and Man. The human aspect of the triple means triple structure of homo sapiens, whose inner nature can be divided into the spirit, soul and body.

Graphic representation of the triple is ascending or descending triangle, the three points, three-beam star, and the trident, the three prongs symbolize the balance between the principle of “OVGGO” (“obey, yield to, be obedient, listen”) and the principle of «IMO» («on the contrary, contrary, resist to be active “). It can be said that the trio among others graphically forms a half circle, which includes birth, the zenith and the descent. Troika expresses thus threefold foundation of the world, at the same time combines the build up, protective and destructive forces of nature.

Attributes and essence of the number three

Property reconcile opposing trends underlying the three, predetermined symbolic name for the number, which was awarded by the Pythagoreans, “friendship”, “peace”, “justice”, “wisdom”, “moderate”, “virtue.” Three essence is that by removing the contradictions and abolishing the old dual state of being, is born a new state, deducing the world to a qualitatively new level.

From this point of view it is important to see the evolution of the understanding of the three at different times, the symbolism of numbers shown researcher A. Holguin: “Interestingly, the Christian term” trinity “started in the II century Tertullian, the word” triad “. And that saw deep meaning. In contrast to the “triad,” which is believed to be expressed to “three different” that is emphasized differences, “trinity” means “set, the union of three”, where the main role belongs to the One (the Father), that is, represents the idea of ​​the family: father, mother, child. ”

The essence of the triple can be better understood, realizing its connection with one and two. On this subject in detail expressed Manly Hall: “The sacredness of the triad and its symbol, the triangle – from the fact that it is made from the monad and the duad. Monad is the symbol of the Divine Father and the duad – the Great Mother. Triad, being made of them, is therefore androgynous and is symbolic of the fact that God creates his worlds of Himself and His creative aspect is always symbolized by a triangle. Monad passing into the duad, is able to become a parent offspring because duad was the womb of Meru, within which the world is ripe and within which it still exists in the form of an embryo. ”

In contrast to the negative nature of the sacredness of the triad duad profoundly positive and carries the complete original unit.

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This writes Alexander Dugin:

“Number three, by contrast, is positive, since it is obtained by adding to the negative two newfound unity. And in any case, whether it is the addition of Unity prior Duality (3 = 1 +2) or follow this dual (2 +1 = 3), it is always considered as a metaphysical value. This implies the universally positive Trinity, Trinity in almost all traditions and especially in Christianity. Here is an example from the Bible regarding third son of Adam, Seth, who has regained the lost paradise, replacing his father murdered Abel. This story is exactly the logic of origin numbers. Abel (1) acceptable to God. Cain (2) is not acceptable to God (God rejects his sacrifice), as two (2) is the negation of one (1).

This denial further expressed in the murder of Abel by Cain. Seth (the third son) is the return to Unity (Unity of Paradise, the state before the fall of Adam – 3 = 1 +2) and the replacement of the murdered Abel (1), that is, 3 = 2 +1. Therefore, the Gnostic doctrine spoke of two “Sifah” two possibilities to overcome the duality: of Seth, who returned to Paradise and departed from the world of multiplicity forever, and of Seth, the forefather of all the righteous instead of Abel gave rise to net branch of humanity, that is, of Seth – source special grace, spiritual plurality. It is interesting to note that the very name of Seth, the Hebrew «seth», identically Sanskrit root sat, Pure Being. ”

Number 3 is the first truly odd and sacred in its odd number, precisely because it is created in the image of a single principle, expressed by the number 1. Troika is ahead of two due to the fact that her (two) added metaphysically transcends it and a major number – one. Because X. E. The triple Kerlot as “harmonious unity feedback on duality.” He also states that “this number is related to the basic principles of self-sufficiency, and expresses the increase or” unity in itself”. This property confirms derivative, filial, character appearance in the triple interaction of his metaphysical parents – one and two. As it happens in the Earth’s parent tradition, the father often sends his son the basic features and properties. On the other hand an increase of “unity in itself,” that is the accumulation of property units, necessarily lead to the removal of conflicts between opposing forces, or to the “neutralization Beaner” (as said Shmakov), in exactly the same way as the birth of a child in a normal family usually brings spiritual parents. All this allows X. E. Kerlotu concluded that the “three represents the resolution of the conflict posed by dualism.”

Of the principle of unity between the two poles due to its harmonizing function allows us to identify three of the principle of wisdom, because its use allows people to manage time by organizing the present, anticipating the future, and applying the experience of the past.

The numerology of number two (Douad)
Because two is a reflection of one, it has esoteric symbolism that represents both the consistency and uniformity of opposing forces, characteristics, or thoughts on the one hand, and the idea of contrast and a single division on the other. As a single spiritual person, Maya, who in his divine aspect represents the principle of the divine substance (Divina Substantia), illuminates the cover. The natural (space) element portrays two of the major cosmic awareness characteristics as a single reality that, like a mirror, reflects the inconspicuous radiance of the One Spirit. There are two aspects to humans: the dual androgyne symbol separating them on the one hand, and the human being on the other

nature of women and men, on the other hand, is a symbol of femininity and the appearance of the first differences.

Graphic representation of two is the so-called “sun cross”, symbolizing fertilization pipe (spirit) horizontal line (matter). Another symbol is the crescent moon with two stripes, which in turn represents the rib of Adam, which was created out of a woman.

Attributes and essence of two

Duality behind the number itself, it determined the two values, one of which is the symbol of ignorance (consequence of the division, naturally leads to the next stage of degradation – ignorance), and a symbol of a common wisdom (which comes from the dual nature of overcoming ignorance). Pythagoreans, not loved deuce for insertion into the world top division, gave her the words Manly Hall the following symbolic names: “The spirit of evil, darkness, inequality, instability, mobility, daring, courage, controversy, matter, dissimilarity, the separation between the multiplicity and the monad , defect, shapelessness, uncertainty, harmony, tolerance, root, root of a mountain, the source of ideas, opinions, error, variability, shyness, impulse, death, motion, generation, separation, length, growth, addition, Union, unhappiness, impressiveness, marriage , soul, and science. ”

Researcher symbolism of numbers VN Axe said the following properties of two: “The number 2 is the basis of binary oppositions in which mythopoetical rannenauchnye and traditions describe the world. It refers to the idea of ​​complementary parts of the monad (male and female as two values ​​category of sex, the sky and the earth, day and night, as the values ​​assumed by the space-time structure of the space), to the theme of parity, in particular, and such aspects as parity duality, duplicity, bliznechestva. ”

Possible to understand the essence of two particularly with regard to the identity and the concept of divisibility. If a sacred entity that is a deuce in a constant state of stress is never exposed to the division, the two, the first even number, divisible, but from a metaphysical point of view, it comes down to one. Dugin to emphasize the negative attitude to deuce religions and traditions, writes that “in Hinduism 2 corresponds to Prakriti or, in other words, the Purusha (1) plus his denial (Prakriti), which collectively provides the first ontological dyad.”

Parity in the sacred science of numbers is always correlated with the substance and its property division by the same number of parts as odd was the symbol of the spirit, or even entirely undivided or divided by the number of unequal parts.

Succinct description of the sacred essence and attributes of two gives X. E. Kerlot “Two means” echo “, reflection, conflict and contrast or opposition, or instant calming forces are in equilibrium, the number also corresponds to the passage of time: the line going from the past to the future, it is expressed geometrically two points, two lines or angle. It also represents the first intangible core of matter, the nature in its opposition to the creator, the moon, as opposed to the sun. In all of the esoteric tradition deuce seen as something sinister: it meant the shadow of all things and bisexuality or dualism (presented in the famous myth of the Gemini) in the sense of connecting link between the mortal and immortal, or between the same and changing. In the mystical symbolism of the landscape in two megalithic culture associated with the mountain in a mandorla, the central point of the symbolic transformations of forming the crucible of life and includes two opposite poles: good and evil, life and death. In addition, two – a number that is associated with the Magna Mater (Great Mother). ”

Kabbalistic tradition, by contrast, deuce is the divine wisdom that can reflect the light of the Supreme Spirit, without making the process any distortion. On notions Shmakov two personified the divine Isis is “the Second Person of the Absolute First Cause – One Universal Spirit,” expressing a “Global Passive (reflecting) Start of” principles of knowledge, based on the ability of the human mind – “antinomy.”

Examples are two manifestations of all dualistic model of the world, found in a variety of traditions – Gnosticism, Manichaeism, the Chinese philosophy of nature, with its division of the year into two halves – the Yin and Yang, the dual forces of alchemy, the right and the left column in the Kabbalistic Tree of the Sefirot, the King and Queen in Alchemy. Agni Yoga speaks of duality as a cosmic principle of being associated with the action of the Divine Illusion and the duality of human nature, which is hampering the acquisition of evolutionary unity.

The numerological meaning of 1 (Monad)
The unit’s esoteric significance lies less in the fact that it is the initial element in the series of natural numbers according to current mathematics than in the fact that it represents unity and integrity. The symbol of the activity, a spiritual principle, and the outcomes of the unmanifest stage are graphically represented in a circle of radius (divine activity) in the unit’s divine aspect. The natural (outer) unit is represented as a symbol of the activity and unity of nature from this perspective. Finally, the human part of the unit expresses a direct location of a living human body in an upright stance, representing an active spiritual will of man.

Graphic representation of the unit is a vertical line, arrow, aspirations up or the letter A (Aleph).

Attributes and essence of number one

Even Diogenes Laertius sought to show the decisive role of unity everywhere: “The beginning of the unit, the unit as a reason to be as vague edinidvoitsa substance, of units and the number come Indefinite Dyad, of the numbers – points, points out – lines, of which – plane figures; and so forth. ” Saint-Martin, to emphasize the purely spiritual nature of the unit, which is manifested only in contact with other numbers symbolize the material plane of existence, has argued that the unit, multiplied on itself, always gives one result, and therefore can not produce anything new. These units philosophy refers one Divine world, one sun for the world, one light, in which the world can burn. It is because of their original separation from the world of multiple unit called a monad.

Manly Hall gives the following list of attributes of unity: “It is called the mind, because the mind is stable and has superiority hermaphrodite, because it is at one and the same time a man and a woman; even and odd, because when added to the number of accounting, gives an odd , and added to an odd, gives an even, God, because that is the beginning and the end of everything, but in itself is neither a beginning nor an end, with good, for such is the nature of God, the seat of the matter, because it produces the duad, which is substantial material … Being between smaller and larger, the monad is equal to itself, between intention and fulfillment it in the middle; in multiplicity is the average, and in time it now, because eternity knows no past and no future. ”

Number one, as is clear from the evidence that symbolizes not only unity but also pervotolchok, the first move and start over. Unit – is above all the will to exercise, the creative Deity itself in a state of uniform undifferentiated being. The creative deity provides the transition of the world from a sleep state (Pralaya) into a state of being active. X. E. Kerlot defines a unit as “an active principle which is splitting into fragments, leading to diversity, equal to the mystical center, luminous points and a Higher Power.”

The number “one” esoteric identified with the concept of “the Center for Peace,” is a prime mover unmoved, undeveloped point, rich creative force. One dam equates to good, high moral strength, seeing in many ways – the evil. Agni Yoga has much to say about the One element in the universe and based on the principle of unity, is a manifestation of the existence of a single element.

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