Know The Importance Of Number 6 And 4 In Numerology

Symbolism of the Number 6 (hexad)

The esoteric meaning of the six is ​​that it was considered a “number of Creation” (“God in six days created the world”), the symbol of the divine cosmic equilibrium and symmetry of opposites expresses the unity of polarities, the choice of divergent paths. In his divine aspect six stands as a symbol of the law of analogies, expressed in geometric terms: “Down like the top, and the upper like the lower.” Mobius points to far-reaching consequences that arise in the application of this principle: “By organizing our body we can tell about the organization of the solar system, according to Turner theosophical – Turner on parts of the body, etc.” In the six aspects of the natural environment represents, in which evolutionary and involutionary flow of energy or connected or disconnected. These streams are and the dilution («Solve»), and thickening («Coagulo») material in nature. In the aspect of human nature Six symbolizes the principle of free will, spiritual harmony and recognition of good and evil.

Six is ​​a graphical representation of a six-pointed star – a hexagram, also known as the Star of David, Solomon’s seal, the symbol of the Androgyne, the sign of Vishnu. It consists of two interpenetrating and mirror each other triangles.

Attributes and essence of number Six

Six well expresses the essence of the cosmic law of the unity and struggle of opposites, harmony, and the polarity of male and female. Manly Hall says that this number is “called by the Pythagoreans the perfection of all the parts … the form of forms, articulation of the universe and a doer of the soul.” He writes:

“Track and soul harmony considered as similar in nature, because all souls are harmonic. Hexad is also the symbol of marriage, because it forms the union of two triangles, one female and the other male. Among the key words related to the hexad, the words: “time”, as it is the measurement of duration, a “panacea”, because health is equilibrium, and the hexad is the equilibrium number, “peace”, because the world is like a hexad, often seen consisting of harmonized contradictions “all-sufficient” because it is often enough to universality (3 +2 +1 = 6), “tireless”, because it contains the elements of immortality. ”

In the East, six usually as a universal symbol of space, “Space Cross Buddhi” accommodates four quarters and two lateral branches – plus Zenit (top) and nadir (downward).

Blavatsky pointed to the mystical connection that exists between the six and the swastika – a symbol, present in different cultures and traditions:
“Not only the world of characters that are so full of true occult value as the Swastika. It is symbolized by the number 6. Like this figure, in my particular view, it shows, as well as ideographs and numbers on the Zenith and Nadir, on the North, South, East and West, and the unit is found throughout this unit is reflected in each and every unit. This is the emblem of the Fohat, constant rotation of the “wheel” and the Four Elements, “Sacred Four” in their mystical, and not just in one of their cosmic significance, then its four arms bent at right angles, are closely related, as shown in another place, with weights of Pythagoras and Hermes. On the mysteries of the values ​​of the Swastika, said comments, “can engrave on it, with mathematical precision, the evolution of the cosmos and the whole period of Sandhya.”

Interesting interpretation of the meaning of six, embodied in the symbol of the six-pointed star gives a modern scholar problems A.Olgin numbers: “… ascending triangle – a triangle of Jesus – symbolizes evolutionary process of our redemption. In this case, the descending triangle – a triangle of Mary – an element of the process of involution of the Incarnation. Stauros pokkzdaaet the Atonement – the purpose, and the Incarnation – the means. ”

H.E.Kerlot gives a slightly different view of nature and its six attributes:
“SIX, symbolizes the ambivalence and balance, contains the union of two triangles (fire and water), and thus means the human soul. The ancient Greeks regarded it as a symbol of the hermaphrodite. It corresponds to the six directions of space (two for each dimension), and cessation of movement (because for the Creation took six days). Hence it is associated with the test and the effort. It was also revealed his attitude toward virginity and weights. ”

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Number 6 also serves as an illustration of the law of analogy, the formula of which is the famous thesis of Hermes Trismegistus: “As above, so below.” It is a vivid reflection of the principle of similarity lower higher and vice versa. Embedded into each other two triangles symbolize the principle of cosmic unity. It is for this reason that the number 6 Pythagoras connected with the planet Venus. Ragon wrote on this subject: “The combination of the two sexes and the division of matter in the trinity of development required to generative power, this fertile properties, and the desire for reproduction, innate in all bodies.

Italian mystic Malfati de Monteredzhio wrote about the nature of the six:
“Number six, as is the second Turner (Vishnu – time), contains a number of five, with all its symbolic meanings, as six, as a closed five are closed ellipse. Since six consists of two or three times, twice three, then it is not only completely irrespective ideal and whatever reality as such, as the spirit of the world, a prisoner in the egg of the world, in a sense, as the ancients understood, but also the idea of ​​the development of itself, the idea of ​​sex, to the third power of two – eight, and this is the third floor of the Turner expressed infinite personality. ”

About six sacred meaning expressed many occult and esoteric – Fabre d’Olivet, a detailed analysis of the meaning of the sixth Sephira, and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, St. Maarten, and finally Jacob Boehme:

“Sixth is an expression of the will of the sound, making it understandable, as the Word, at the same time it has its origin in two fiery center … In this sixth as are sacred names, the divine forces acting unity, they are simultaneously in two fire centers.

It is particularly miraculous Tetragrammaton – the center of world acts of God, which operate in both the focus and the wicked spirits that abuse, distorting them in the Center of the Natural Fire. This name combines the foundation of all the Kabbalah and the entire Magic.

Sixth form or quality of natural science or Desire is the word – the divine language, sound or voice Forces, from which proceeds the Holy Spirit, in the midst of power.

The Book of the Number Four’s Symbolism
The four have an esoteric meaning that conveys the idea of divine creation by providing a prototype and the initial act of creation. The Tetragrammaton, also known as “Iodine”, “Heh”, “Bay,” and “Xe,” is a symbol of the Unknown Name of God and is present in all four of his divine aspects. Iodine is the symbol of the self-sufficient Being, He, according to Shmakov’s transcription of each letter of the holy name of God. The One Being is the Inner Self, and the exterior material is self-awareness. Bay is a creation of Yoda and Xe, Total Androgen, and Self Divine in His divine essence. The number of space elements, which comprise the universe’s generative energy, are represented by the quartet in the natural aspect (Earth,

Water, Air and Fire), four seasons. In the aspect of human nature, the four symbolizes the four lower body (physical, etheric, astral, mental), four types of temperaments (choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic), four periods of life (childhood, youth, maturity, old age).

Graphical representation of the four is a pyramid, which is three-dimensional figures and the symbol of the Divine Fire. This shape is formed by four triangular faces. Four other image is the cross – a symbol of cosmic balance and the intersection of mind and matter.

Attributes and essence of the number four

The essence of the Quartet and its purpose – to be a static display of perfect integrity and sustainable structure of the universe – determined its attributes and properties. Manly Hall gives the following description of the quadruple from the position of the Pythagorean symbolism Tetrad 4, considered by the Pythagoreans as the original, all the previous number, the root of all things, the source of nature and the most perfect of numbers. All tetradyintellektualny, of which there is order, they encircle the world as empirical, and go through it. ”

According to the words of God is the Pythagorean number of numbers because the decade, or 10, including 1, 2, 3 and 4, that is because it is a symbol of the four of the first four numbers. Tetrad connects them all Luggages, numbers, elements, temporary structure, manifesting as recurrent cycles. VN Toporov indicates that the four are always present in all the myths about the creation of the universe: “The four points of the compass, four main directions, the four gods or chetyrehipostasnye gods (see, for example, four Thunder in Lithuanian folklore or gods – held four cardinal ), 4 seasons, the century (cf. the Vedic description of 4 times and at the same time the terms of the dice), 4 elements (sometimes they relate to the four mythological figures). , The component is updated in the geometric shapes that have the most mythical and poetical value – square mandala cross. ”

Pythagoreans associated with the essence of the four as a living manifestation of God such properties as “rapid”, “force”, “courage”, “holder of the key to Nature” and called it the “harmony” and “first depth.”

Succinct description of the quadruple gives X. E. Kerlot “Four is a symbol of the earth, terrestrial space, the human situation, external natural limits” minimal “understanding of the totality and, ultimately, good organization. This number is equal to the square and the cube, and represents a cross representing the four seasons and the four directions. According to the principle of Quaternary simulate a large number of material and spiritual forms. This number is associated with material achievements and the elements. In the mystical tradition, it means tetramorfnost. ”

Kabbalistic tradition associated with the four properties such as stability and charity which, in turn, is considered as derivatives of wisdom. Four harmoniously unites such opposites and poles, as spirit and matter, motion and rest, and embodies the principles of universal order, integrity, symmetry, perfect balance, internal and external correspondence, completeness and strength.

Interesting psychoanalytic interpretation of the meaning of the number four and more – the quaternary structure of the universe has made CG Jung:

“Quaternity be understood as a universal archetype. It is a logical prerequisite of all holistic judgment. For such a judgment, you must have four dimensions. For example, if you want to describe the horizon as an entity, you call the four corners of the world … The four elements we find everywhere the four primary properties of matter, four colors, four castes in India, four paths of spiritual perfection in Buddhism. Similarly, there are four aspects of psychological orientation, and it is their property (in fact, the number of) the most fundamental of what we can say about them. For self-determination, we need a function that states that there is something (feeling) in the other, which establishes what is this thing (thinking) in the third, which shows us that something fits or not, whether we accept it ( sense), and, finally, in the fourth determining the source of something and its direction (intuition). And that’s all we can say about it … Ideally, an end – it is a circle, sphere, and its minimal natural division – a quarter.

Quaternity or kvarterion often has 3 +1 structure, in which one element is unique and has a distinct, with the rest of nature (animals symbolize the three evangelists, and the fourth – the angel). It is the “fourth”, complementing the other three, making them something of a “single”, symbolizing the universe. Often in analytical psychology inferior function (ie, a function that is not under the control of consciousness) is the “fourth”, and its integration into the consciousness of one of the main objectives of the process of individualization.”

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Hi, I’m Clara Westbrook, the founder and author of I'm an ardent numerologist dedicated to uncovering the profound symbolism and impact of numbers in our daily lives. I'm convinced that numbers can illuminate aspects of our character, fate, abilities, hurdles, and potential paths. Through numerology, I believe we can gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and those around us, and navigate our choices for personal growth and fulfillment. My journey with numerology spans over a decade, during which I've had the privilege to learn from some of the foremost authorities in this discipline. By applying numerology to my personal experiences, I've witnessed its transformative power first hand. My aim with this website is to impart my learnings and observations, assisting you in realizing the profound influence of numbers in your life. Here, you'll encounter articles, manuals, reviews, and resources that will guide you in delving deeper into numerology's intricacies. Additionally, you'll discover practical suggestions on harnessing numerology for the enhancement of various life facets such as relationships, career, health, and finances. Whether you're just dipping your toes into the world of numerology or are well-acquainted with its concepts, this website promises to offer valuable insights. I trust that you'll find my content both engaging and informative. Moreover, I hope numerology sparks your enthusiasm to lead a more enriched life. Should you have queries or comments, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Your thoughts are always appreciated. Thank you for stopping by!

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