Understand The Importance Of Various Numbers In Numerology Part 2

The numerological meaning of 10 (Decad)

The number ten has an esoteric meaning that it is following the path marked out by the number nine, which stands for the idea of complete perfection and a return to the origin of all single digits, one. In reference to this, Cornelius Agrippa stated: “The number ten is designated globally and the whole number, the full route of life, due to the belief that it contains all the numbers and explains their own by multiplying them. As a result, it is seen as a variety of various energies. None of the aforementioned things. Everything is “tenth has something of the divine”. The divine quality of the number ten here refers to the sky, the utmost integrity, and perfect truth.

a return to unity on a new level. In its natural aspect ten symbolizes display of nature, matter, performs the will of heaven and the supreme law. In its human aspect, the number ten symbolizes what can be called the divine humanity, implementing the principle of the Kingdom of God on earth, or more precisely, the God-man, the Heavenly Man or Adam-Kadmon. Graphic representation will also be dozens of circle (circle plus its center), a snake crawling up the pole (motion plus peace plan plus shape), and the Tree of Sephiroth.

Speaking as the number of complete and total absolute perfection, ten is a synthesis of being and non-being. According to Debarollya “sign is made up of ten units, the existence, and zero, expressing the nothingness: it is, therefore, contains the spirit and matter, it is the highest point in the mind of humanity, which computes them all.” Many occult philosophers (Cornelius Agrippa, St. Martin, Eliphas Levi) believed that a dozen its perfection can fix other imperfect, incomplete, separated with one another number. Saint-Martin, said: “The number of connections in the decade never presents the image partition and formlessness. Even 2 and 5 share a decade, are bad only when they retire. United’s ten they lose their ugly and shapeless character.” Similar characteristics gives the number 10 Blavatsky: “Ten or decade lists all the units back to the unity and completes the table of Pythagoras. Because this figure – a unit at zero – was a symbol of the Deity of the universe and man. Such is the secret meaning of” capture the lion lapoyu powerful tribe of Judah “( “grip master mason”) between the two arms, connected fingers give the number ten. ”

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Manly Hall also emphasizes completing and unifying aspect of the number 10:

“Decade, 10, according to the Pythagoreans, is the greatest number, not only because it is tetractys (10 points), but also because it comprehends all arithmetic and harmonic proportions. Pythagoras said that 10 is the nature of the numbers, because all nations come to her, and when they come to it, they come back to the monad. Decade called and sky, and the world, because the former includes the latter. As a universal number, decade accompanied by the Pythagoreans to those things which are characterized by age, strength, faith, necessity, the power of memory. It was also called restless because, like God, it is not subject to fatigue. Pythagoreans divided the heavenly bodies into ten orders. They also argued that the decade of improving the numbers and embraces in its nature even and odd, mobile and immobile, kind and evil. They associated it with the next deities: Atlas, because it is the number on their shoulders, Urania, Mnemosyne, the Sun, the planets and the One God.” The number 10, made up of the sum of the first four natural numbers (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10), takes in the whole universe and is a four-faced unity of being in ideal aspects, Mystic square inscribed in a circle.

X. E. Kerlot gives ten the following characteristics:

“Ten in decimal represents a return to unity. Tetractys In (Pythagorean triangle with points in four descending rows – four, three, two, one – are summed up to ten), it refers to four. Symbolizes spiritual attainment, as well as the unity of its functions as an even (or ambivalent) number or as the beginning of a new and complex series of numbers. According to some theories, ten symbolizes the integrity of the universe (on two planes: the metaphysical and material), since it leads to the unity of all. known interpretation of this numbers as perfection: the tradition that originated in ancient and in the Pythagorean school leading to St. Jerome. ”

Ten represented not only a symbol of the Tree of the fixed static Sephiroth, but also quite mobile figure “doner”. In a sense, it is a rotating circle. Rene Guenon believes that the best scores of graphic symbol is a circle divided into four equal parts by the cross formed by two rectangular diameters. If quarter geometrically static aspect can be represented as a square, the dynamic aspect, he is depicted as moving, rotating around its center of the cross. This doner, that is full of numerical series, is a well-known “square the circle”, which in fact is the division of the circle into four parts symbolize the connection between spirit and matter.

The meaning of the number nine (Ennead)

The triple trinity (God, the universe, and man) is represented by the number nine in esoteric numerology as the idea of completion and perfection, done and tied to the synthesis of the three worlds. Well, it captures the essence of the connotation that the number nine had in Chinese culture, where it stood for the idea of “everything.” The divine power and the Creator’s power, which are reflected in the physical laws of the environment, are referred to in nine of his divine aspect. In its most natural form, the number nine represents the material plane of existence, where the trinity of the law is apparent. Nine, in its human form, symbolises the notion of spiritual strength, which is manifested in the possession of

the three worlds, that is, the idea of ​​initiation.

Graphical representation of nine is circle divided into nine parts.

Attributes and essence of the number nine

Representing the number of complete and all-embracing, nine seats in the whole cycle of life, depicted in the form of a circle, which contains 360 (3 +6 +0 = 9), and all the numbers from 1 to 9. She played a big role in the numerical symbolism of the various religious traditions and cultures – in Christianity, and Buddhism, and the occult and Masonic doctrine and in Manichaeism, and Gnosticism. Losev gives detailed evidence of the visible presence of nine in numerical symbolism of antiquity:

“In addition to the nine muses Trojan War lasts 9 years (and in the 10th year of its outcome), 9 years wandering Odysseus (and on the 10th returned home), 9 birds that predict the duration of the war, 9 years of his life at sea Poseidon goddesses , 9 days plague the Achaeans at the behest of Apollo, 9 days of the feast Bellerophon at the Lycian king, nine days of captivity in the Phoenix home of his parents, 9 days for the flood washed away the Achaean camp, 9 days quarrels of the gods of the body of Hector, 9 days without burial children Niobe, 9 days of mourning for Hector, 9 days for svezeniya wood for his burial, 9 days before the arrival of the storm to the lotus-eaters Odyssey, 9 days, data Eolom for safe arrival of Odysseus to Ithaca, 9 days before the arrival of the storm Odysseus to Calypso. And this is not all the examples of Homer’s use of the number 9. ”

Detailed description of the various properties of nines gives Manly Hall:

“Ennead, 9, was the first square of an odd number (3×3). It was associated with errors and shortcomings, because it lacks the perfect number to 10 in the same units. She called the number of man, because of his nine months of embryonic development. Among its key words – “Ocean” and “horizon”, because they were for the ancient limitless. Ennead is limitless number because there is nothing for it but an infinite number of 10. It is called the boundary and limitation, because it gathered all numbers within. It is called the sphere of air, because it surrounded the numbers as air surrounds the earth. Among the gods and goddesses who share a greater or lesser degree of its nature – Prometheus, Vulcan, Juno, the sister and wife of Jupiter, Pan, Aglaia Titogeniya, Kuritis, Proserpine, Hyperion, and Terpsichore (muse). The number 9 is regarded as evil, because it is an inverted 6. According to the Eleusinian Mysteries, it was the number of spheres through which the consciousness of its way at birth. Because of its similarity in shape with sperm 9 associated with the origin of life. ”

Blavatsky indicates that property nines, as its reproducibility when carried with her operations:

“This is the number that is constantly reproduced in all aspects and at all times total. This is the sign of each circle, because its value is 9 degrees, ie 3 +6 +0. In some conditions, it is a bad sign, and very unhappy. If the number six was a symbol of the world, ready to ozhivotvoreniya divine Spirit, the 9 was a symbol of our land, the lively spirit of evil or bad. ”

Similar idea about the relationship between the nine and the circle expresses Rene Guenon:

“… 9 instead of 10 is the number of circles, the division carried out according to the last multiple of 9 (90-degree quadrant, therefore, 360 for the whole of the circle).”

According to esoteric ideas if the number nine symbolizes a circle, number 1 – the center of the circle, and the whole circle is the number 10 = 1 +9.

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X.E. Kerlot gives triple nature of the nine following description:

“Nine – Triangle and Triad triple triple. Hence, it is a complex image of the three worlds. Nine is the end – the ultimate digital series to its return to unity. For the Jews, this number was a symbol of truth, being characterized by the fact that, multiplied, it reproduces itself (in addition of the mystical.) In medical rituals it represented the number of par excellence, ie, it is a triple synthesis or disposition of each of the existing plans of reality: the body, the intellectual and spiritual. ”

The number 9 is not just a symbol of dedication, but also expresses the steps closer to perfection, which says Moebius:

“Lists nine major cycles of these efforts, noting that they are often implemented in parallel, rather than sequentially.

  1. Eliminate a physical cowardice.
  2. Eliminate a hesitation.
  3. Eliminate a retrospective regret of the offense, which can not be corrected.
  4. Fight as much as possible with superstition.
  5. As far as possible to fight against prejudice.
  6. Fight as much as possible with the conventions.
  7. Implement around the physical order, and in itself to maintain health.
  8. Achieve equally astral order in itself (already mentioned the desire for spiritual harmony) and of itself (the exact classification and accurate empirical familiarity with the entities of the astral plane and its manifestations).
  9. Organize more and mental order, that is clean, clear, absolute metaphysical outlook and complete consciousness of its emanation from the origin of the archetype. ”

Nine plays a special role in the mechanisms of the psyche, which is primarily associated with the processes of storing information relevant not only to sevenfold, but nonary structure.

Hi, I’m Clara Westbrook, the founder and author of Numerologyzz.com. I'm an ardent numerologist dedicated to uncovering the profound symbolism and impact of numbers in our daily lives. I'm convinced that numbers can illuminate aspects of our character, fate, abilities, hurdles, and potential paths. Through numerology, I believe we can gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and those around us, and navigate our choices for personal growth and fulfillment. My journey with numerology spans over a decade, during which I've had the privilege to learn from some of the foremost authorities in this discipline. By applying numerology to my personal experiences, I've witnessed its transformative power first hand. My aim with this website is to impart my learnings and observations, assisting you in realizing the profound influence of numbers in your life. Here, you'll encounter articles, manuals, reviews, and resources that will guide you in delving deeper into numerology's intricacies. Additionally, you'll discover practical suggestions on harnessing numerology for the enhancement of various life facets such as relationships, career, health, and finances. Whether you're just dipping your toes into the world of numerology or are well-acquainted with its concepts, this website promises to offer valuable insights. I trust that you'll find my content both engaging and informative. Moreover, I hope numerology sparks your enthusiasm to lead a more enriched life. Should you have queries or comments, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Your thoughts are always appreciated. Thank you for stopping by!

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